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At the call of the heart. Crimean investigators became donors

At the call of the heart. Crimean investigators became donors

CrimeaPRESS reports:

In the days when the tragic events in Sevastopol united the inhabitants of the peninsula and our country even more tightly, Crimean investigators not only fulfill their professional duties, but also support citizens in various ways.
Officers of the Main Investigation Department of the Investigative Committee of Russia for the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol, headed by the head Vladimir Terentyev, made a unanimous decision and organized collective donor hours in the divisions of the Blood Center in Sevastopol and Simferopol, Yalta and Evpatoria, Kerch and Saki.

At the call of the heart. Crimean investigators became donors

Among the investigators there are many regular donors whom doctors invite to donate plasma or blood due to their rare and universal groups. Officers take this procedure responsibly and, regardless of departmental collective visits, individually come to the station on a regular basis– reported in Sledkom.

At the call of the heart. Crimean investigators became donors

In addition, IC employees also joined the federal register of bone marrow donors. And from the first days of the special military operation to protect the residents of Donbass, investigators, in addition to providing all possible assistance to soldiers on the front line, have been donating blood on an ongoing basis for wounded soldiers who are being treated in hospitals.

At the call of the heart. Crimean investigators became donors

Unity is our strength, and supporting compatriots through donation is another way to show care, attention and, most importantly, concern— notes Vladimir Terentyev. — It is necessary to constantly show by example that donating blood is not only beneficial for the health of the donor himself, but, first of all, it is vitally important for people in trouble.

At the call of the heart. Crimean investigators became donors

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