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At the new exhibition in Khersones Tauride — “Letters” of the Stone Grave

At the new exhibition in Khersones Tauride — “Letters” of the Stone Grave

Krympress reports:

From March 5 to May 25 in the lobby of the hall of temporary exhibitions of the Byzantine exposition, the secrets of the ancient symbols of the stone grave can be revealed! They resemble the graphemes of the alphabets of the interfluve and the Mediterranean and the signs on the vessels of the 2–1th millennium BC. e. In the Northern Black Sea region. The exhibits of the exhibition «Ancient» letters «of the stone grave arrived from the branch of the Museum-Reserve in the Zaporizhzhya region.

In the caves of the archaeological monument in the vicinity of Melitopol, numerous alphabetic and icon signs were found. They belong to the time of the emergence of syllabic and alphabetical writing and are associated with the mythopoetic systems of ancient people.

The drawings and signs of one of the grottoes of the stone grave are scattered on the ceiling, which is characteristic of Mesopotamia, Elam, Phenicia and Greece. Probably, the tribes of the Northern Black Sea region and the Azovs possessed the skills of a icon and counting prototyphe, known in the early stages of the development of society.

Come to Chersonesos and reveal the secrets of the characters of the stone grave! The exhibition works in the hall of the hall of temporary exhibitions of the Byzantine exposition. From Tuesday to Sunday — from 09:00 to 18:00, on Monday — from 09:00 to 13:00. We are waiting for you at the exhibition «Ancient» letters «of the stone grave! From March 5 to May 25 in Khersones Tauride! -They note in the museum-reserve.

Source: Public Relations Department of the State Museum-Reserve «Chersonesos Tauride»

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