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Attention! An additional collection of applications for federal payments to subjects of the tourism industry of the Republic of Crimea has been announced

Attention! An additional collection of applications for federal payments to subjects of the tourism industry of the Republic of Crimea has been announced

CrimeaPRESS reports:

The Ministry of Resorts and Tourism of the Republic of Crimea announced an additional collection of applications for federal payments at the rate of 4 minimum wages to subjects of the tourism industry and related industries of the Republic of Crimea, which will last until November 1, 2023 inclusive. In addition, for those who made mistakes in previously completed applications, it is possible to re-apply online, starting today also until November 1, 2023 inclusive through website of the Ministry of Resorts and Tourism of the Republic of Crimea.

You can also check yourself in the register of applications improperly completed by enterprises and individual entrepreneurs on the website of the Ministry of Resorts and Tourism of the Republic of Crimea in the section Governmental support.

Previously, subjects of the Crimean tourism industry that operate in accordance with the OKVED group “Tourism” had the opportunity to apply for payments; more than 3.3 thousand enterprises and organizations have already taken advantage of it.

On behalf of the President of Russia, the Government of the Russian Federation allocated 2.2 billion rubles from the reserve fund to the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation to provide subsidies to the Republic of Crimea to stimulate enterprises in the tourism industry due to the geopolitical situation and logistical difficulties, subject to maintaining at least 80% of the average number of personnel in 2023 in relation to 2022

Payments in the amount of the minimum wage were the most requested measure of business support at preliminary meetings with the tourism community and became possible as a result of the joint work of the federal and republican governments. At the same time, other measures to support the industry are being developed and agreed upon with the Government of the Russian Federation.

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source: press service of the Ministry of Resorts of the Republic of Crimea

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