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Attention! There is an emergency fire danger in Crimea. What is prohibited?

CrimeaPRESS reports:

According to the Crimean Department for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring , on August 1-3, in the southern regions of Crimea and in the city of Sevastopol, an emergency fire hazard will remain, in the central areas are expected to have an extreme fire hazard.

Since May, a special fire regime has been established throughout the peninsula. It provides for additional fire safety requirements. The Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for the Republic of Crimea recalls that for the period of the special fire regime it is prohibited:

  • citizens to visit forests, the entry of vehicles into forest areas is limited;
  • making fires, as well as burning garbage, grass, leaves and other wastes, in the adjacent territories of private residential buildings, in the territories of gardening and horticultural partnerships;
  • burning dry vegetation.

We draw the attention of citizens that for violation of these requirements, fines are provided from 10 to 800 thousand rubles. We urge citizens to treat the situation with understanding and follow the fire safety rules , the press service of the emergency department notes.

In case of emergency, you must call: “101″ and «112».

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