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August 17 — Avdotya's Day, Berry Day and the Day of the Seven Ephesian Youths. And also — rains and drizzles

August 17 — Avdotya's Day, Berry Day and the Day of the Seven Ephesian Youths. And also — rains and drizzles

CrimeaPRESS reports:

On August 17, light rains began. Drizzle is very destructive for hay, and therefore the main task of the peasants on these days is to cover it in barns and protect it from moisture. But some superstitious people were afraid to remove the haystacks on these days. Hearing strange rustling sounds inside, they believed that it was the Ledaschy himself, the haymaking spirit, tossing and turning in his sleep. If he was woken up, he could appear as a shaggy and tailed old man with an evil disposition.

And today we finished picking raspberries, storing them for the winter. In addition, onions and garlic were ripening, which were perfect for preserving cucumbers.

On August 17, the Church honors the memory of Saint Eudocia (Avdotia), who lived in the 4th century and was born into a family of wealthy Romans. During the persecution of Christians by the Persian king Sapor, Avdotia was also arrested along with 9,000 believers. While in captivity, she continued to preach the faith in Christ among Persian women and converted many to the religion. For this, she was subjected to cruel tortures, after which she was beheaded.

Also on this day, the Seven Ephesian Youths are remembered: Iamblichus, Maximilian, Moan, Martinian, Constantine, Antoninus. These brothers were originally warriors, but they abandoned the army, converting to faith. For this they were punished — they were walled up in a cave for 200 years. Legend has it that when the cave was opened, the youths were alive. After the people witnessed the miracle that had occurred, the brothers died.

Find out more:  Во Всероссийском дне бега «Кросс наций» приняли участие порядка тысячи севастопольцев

Signs of the day:

  • Prayer to the Seven Youths of Ephesus on this day reliably protects against insomnia and helps calm crying babies.
  • A hot day means good haymaking.
  • Rain means unsuccessful haymaking.
  • Lots of raspberries mean a good grain harvest.
  • Borrowing money or taking out a loan yourself leads to poverty.
  • A strong thunderstorm means a good hay harvest (aftermath).
  • A lot of dew means a poor flax harvest.
  • The weather on August 17th is what the whole of November will be like.
  • A bright and sunny day means the beginning of winter will be mild and pleasant.
  • A gloomy and rainy day means a harsh November.
Today’s name days are celebrated by: Konstantin, Dmitry, Mikhail, Kuzma, Evdokia, Irina, Iya, Daria, Andrey, Ivan.

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