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August 19 – Apple Savior today. Transfiguration of the Lord

August 19 – Apple Savior today. Transfiguration of the Lord

CrimeaPRESS reports:

Apple Savior is one of the most important holidays for peasants. In fact, on this day they greeted autumn, noting that the weather was getting cool, and cranes were starting to gather in warmer climates. They even said: «Savior has come — keep your mittens in reserve.» By the way, there was a tradition on August 19 to see off the sunset with songs — this is how they said goodbye to summer days.

According to popular beliefs, before Apple Savior it was strictly forbidden to eat raw apples — only processed ones. This ban was especially strict for women who had experienced the death of their own children. It was believed that otherwise God would not allow the souls of the dead children to eat the fruits from the trees of paradise.

A well-known and widespread custom of this day is to bless apples in church and treat everyone around with them. Apples with sugar and honey were most loved. Apples were given to the poor, the sick and the needy.

In many regions, the Apple Savior holiday lasts for a whole week — they start celebrating it on August 19 and the festivities continue until August 26. Traditionally, on these days they eat both fresh apples and prepare a variety of dishes with them.

What does the Transfiguration of the Lord mean?

It is known that long before his death and resurrection, Jesus began to prepare his disciples for the events that were to happen, so that they would understand them correctly. Even the apostles, who closely communicated with Jesus, believed that the Messiah was the king of Israel, and perceived Christ exclusively as a biblical prophet. However, it was important for Jesus to explain to the disciples that he was not a prophet, but the son of God, who came to earth to save humanity. That is why, first, Jesus, together with three disciples James, Peter and John, ascended the sacred Mount Tabor to pray. It was at this time that the apostles dozed off, and therefore did not see the transfiguration of Jesus. They woke up from the bright light that emanated from Jesus. Next to him, the disciples saw the prophets Moses and Elijah, who were talking with Christ about what would happen to him in the future. After this, a cloud descended on the mountain, and the apostles heard a voice: «This is my beloved son, in whom I am well pleased.» Then they fell down and lay there until Jesus touched them. Finally, Christ asked the disciples not to tell anyone about what they had seen until the events that had been predicted — the execution and resurrection — had happened.

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Signs of the day:

  • After eating the last piece of apple on Spas, you need to make a wish, and soon it will come true.
  • Whatever the weather is like on this day, that is what January will be like. The same weather is expected on Pokrov (October 14).
  • A hot and dry day means a warm autumn.
  • It’s raining — it’s a sign of bad autumn weather.
  • From this day on, early leaf fall begins, nature prepares for autumn, and the nights become cold.
  • Apples picked in Spas have a longer shelf life.
  • Rain after Apple Savior is harmful to grain. Therefore, spring crops were supposed to be harvested before this holiday. The same sign applies to onions — they should also be removed from gardens.
  • If you plant winter rye on Spas when there is a north wind, it will grow large and abundantly.

Name days are celebrated today by: Andrew, Timothy, Agapius, Thekla, Theophanes, Eutychian.

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