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August 20 – Marina-Pimena Day. Storks are preparing to fly to warmer climes

August 20 – Marina-Pimena Day. Storks are preparing to fly to warmer climes

CrimeaPRESS reports:

From August 20, people no longer go to the forest for raspberries, and summer makes a decisive turn towards autumn. On this day, they begin to sow winter crops, because the season of summer thunderstorms ends.

Special attention is paid to storks on August 20. At this time, they are preparing to fly away to warmer climates. Russian people have always loved these wonderful birds, considering them a symbol of motherhood, home and family happiness. The folk saying that a stork brings little children is still alive. And it comes from an old legend, according to which the souls of unborn children live in swamps and forest thickets — places where storks hunt. They say that they catch these souls and bring them to the new parents in their beaks!

And on August 20th there must be pies with raspberry filling on the table – this is how they celebrated the end of the hot period of the year.

The Church today honors Saint Pimen and Martyr Marin. Pimen, nicknamed the Much-Ailing, was born in the 11th century and was prone to various ailments from childhood, being a very weak child. One day, Pimen began to ask his parents to take him to the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra. The father and mother listened to their son and, having come to the monastery, began to pray fervently for Pimen to recover. However, Pimen himself asked God to prolong his suffering and decided to take monastic vows. According to legend, angels performed the tonsure, and when several inhabitants of the monastery came to meet Pimen, they found him in monastic robes. The saint was ill for many years, but one day, despite this, he was able to heal a man with a serious illness, taking from him a promise to serve him until his death. The monk was quite lazy, and soon he was again struck by a serious illness. Pimen again healed the man, giving him similar instructions. Pimen himself recovered three days before his death. This helped him to complete all his affairs and say goodbye to his relatives.

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Signs of the day:

  • Marina has arrived — don’t look for raspberries in the forest.
  • Storks fly away to warmer climates – to an early and cold autumn.
  • There are no spiders visible in the web — the weather will soon get worse.
  • Foam on the water in rivers means rain.
  • A scarlet dawn means rain.
  • Few clouds in the sky — a hot day.
  • Clouds line up on the horizon, which means it’s going to rain.
  • The roosters are crowing loudly and in unison – the next day promises to be hot.
  • If tobacco in a pipe or cigarettes quickly becomes damp outside, it means it will rain.
  • A rainbow in the morning means rain. A rainbow in the evening means a fine day.
  • The moon in a pale ring means wind and rain.
  • A scarlet ring around the Moon means windy but dry weather.
  • Before dawn, fog spreads across the water, which means a clear day.
  • The wind blows from the east or west — to the winter crop harvest.

The following people celebrate their name day today: Afanasy, Nikanor, Peter, Ivan, Anton, Alexander, Mitrofan, Dmitry, Mikhail, Vasily.

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