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August 6 – Boris and Gleb Day. Sorcerers walk through the fields, turning into fireballs

August 6 – Boris and Gleb Day. Sorcerers walk through the fields, turning into fireballs

CrimeaPRESS reports:

People believed that severe thunderstorms began on August 6. Moreover, the bad weather also «spoiled» them with lightning, which the peasants were very afraid of, and therefore tried not to go out into the fields on this day. In some provinces, it was believed that severe thunderstorms were the work of local village sorcerers. According to folklore, the most powerful sorcerers could allegedly turn into a fireball and travel across the field, destroying everything in their path. The harvest perished in the fire, and another hungry year awaited the peasants. Therefore, people have long prayed to the patron saints of this day to pacify the elements, asking for good and clear weather.

At the same time, on August 6, they began actively collecting and preparing berries. Bird cherry and currant, for example, ripened. These gifts of nature were used as medicines against colds and stomach diseases.

The Church today honors the memory of Saints Boris and Gleb, who previously, before baptism, bore the names Roman and David. They were born into the family of Grand Duke Vladimir Svyatoslavovich and were killed by their blood brother Svyatopolk the Accursed after their father’s death, when there was an intense struggle for power. According to church tradition, Svyatopolk was inspired to do this by the devil himself. Svyatopolk really wanted to rule Russia, and therefore, he planned to kill all the heirs. It was Boris and Gleb who are known as the first Russian saints who were canonized as martyrs. They are also known as the protectors of Rus’ and heavenly helpers of the princes.

Find out more:  В Феодосии прокуратура добивается проведения капремонта водовода и напорного коллектора

Signs of the day:

  • Working in the field means a fire. There is even a proverb: don’t take up bread on St. Boris’s Day.
  • Sticky, clinging grains in the ears — harvesting should be postponed for a few more days until the grain ripens.
  • Rain in the morning means a clear day.
  • Dew before noon means a thunderstorm.
  • Flies buzzing early in the morning means sunny weather.
  • If you don’t hear any flies, it’s going to rain.
  • If the straw left over from today’s harvest is used in construction, such a house will not last long.
  • The south wind is blowing — it means bad weather.
  • Chickens huddling close to a hen means prolonged rains.
  • It is believed that on this day the birds in the forest become silent (“think”).
  • The fluff has flown from the aspen trees – the aspen mushrooms have ripened in the forest.
  • Those born on this day will grow up to be optimistic and loving people.
  • If this date falls on a full moon, the forest cannot be cut down to build a house. Otherwise, scandals in the new house will become commonplace.

Today’s name days are celebrated by: Afanasy, Christina, Ilarion, Anatoly, Gleb, Ivan, David, Nikolay, Roman, Boris.

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