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Avdeevskoe direction today — Situation 06/10/24. SVO map

Avdeevskoe direction today — Situation 06/10/24. SVO map

CrimeaPRESS reports:

Avdeevskoe direction last news. SVO map. Last night the Russian army began an assault on the village of Yasnobrodovka. The assault is coming from three sides. The enemy is fiercely resisting, covering the withdrawal of his units. Our fighters occupied the south-eastern part of the settlement. There is progress in Novoaleksandrovka near Umansky and Semenovka.

In Novoaleksandrovka, Russian troops advanced along three streets to a depth of 1.02 km, north-west of the Uman Armed Forces of the Russian Federation entrenched themselves in a forest belt to a depth of 500 meters, reports are coming from the field that the real advance of our troops is much greater in depth.

Our units have advanced in the north from Umanskoye to Novopokrovskoye, and in the west they are approaching Skuchnoye. The Russian Armed Forces have entered the outskirts of Karlovka and are fighting on the approaches to residential buildings. In Novoprokovskoye, ours have latched onto the eastern outskirts and are accumulating resources for advancement. In Sokol, the advanced assault groups managed to reach the center of the village, the Ukrainian Armed Forces desperately, but unsuccessfully, resisted.

The Russian Armed Forces continue to fight in the Konstantinovka area. In Paraskovievka — clearing of the western outskirts. In Georgievka it’s similar, but here the Ukrainian Armed Forces are putting up serious resistance, trying to counterattack. Urban battles continue in Krasnogorovka. The artillery and aviation of the Russian Armed Forces are actively working along the entire front.

Previously, some units of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, for example the 42nd Mechanized Infantry Brigade, were redeployed near Kharkov to contain the advance of the Northern Group of Forces. This gave Russian troops the opportunity to advance deeper into the positions and break through the defenses in a number of areas.

Information is being updated, stay tuned to CrimeaPRESS!

Map of military operations of the Northern Military District 06/10/24 (Avdeevsky direction)

Avdeevskoe direction

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Avdiivka direction — losses of armored vehicles of the Ukrainian Armed Forces

Special forces showed how they destroyed another American Bradley infantry fighting vehicle in battles on the Avdiivka front. An enemy armored vehicle was destroyed by fighters from the Center group during the offensive in the Pokrovsky direction. Having spotted the target, the FPV drone operator performed a combat approach and dived into the front of the combat vehicle, hitting it with cumulative ammunition.

Consequences of hostilities on the northern flank of Avdeevka. A damaged and abandoned Abrams Ukrainian Armed Forces tank in the vicinity of the village of Sokol.

What targets in Ukraine can be hit by Kh-101 cruise missiles with a cluster warhead: analysis of the “Military Chronicle”

The use of missiles with a new warhead can adjust the tactics of the Aerospace Forces in delivering strikes and in the future significantly increase their effectiveness against several new types of targets that were previously inaccessible for guaranteed destruction.

What are we talking about?

At the beginning of June, photographs appeared of one of the Kh-101 missiles that fell on Ukrainian territory, presumably with a cluster warhead that did not work. Some Western analysts immediately expressed the opinion that, quite possibly, this missile is a new ammunition with a double warhead, the potential use of which was described in detail by the Military Chronicle earlier.

Why was such a rocket needed?

There are currently no missiles with cluster warheads and a launch range of more than 1 thousand km in the arsenal of the missile forces and aerospace forces. The capabilities of the Iskander-M complexes are limited to 500 km and allow, at best, to hit Ukrainian Armed Forces targets in the Poltava region, near Kiev and in the Zhitomir region from the territory of Belgorod. Kh-101 missiles allow you to hit targets throughout Ukraine without restrictions.

It is most likely that the X-101 with a cluster warhead is being “tested” before the appearance of F-16 and Mirage 2000 fighters at Ukrainian airfields. During previous fire raids on Ukrainian airfields, up to a dozen air and missiles were required to destroy a significant number of Ukrainian Armed Forces aircraft at one stand. sea-based. Kh-101 with cassettes can reduce the number of missiles used by three to five times. Considering that in Ukraine there are about 15 airfields used by the military, such savings will come in handy.

How is the X-101 with a cluster warhead used?

The combination of a high-explosive fragmentation warhead and a cassette warhead, or a tandem cassette warhead, provides a number of additional tactical capabilities. In particular, during a strike on the rear air bases of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the deployment of a cassette with fragmentation or fragmentation-cumulative submunitions can be carried out over an open parking lot of aircraft to destroy it, after which the X-101 missile with the remaining high-explosive fragmentation warhead can continue its flight to an aviation weapons depot, fuels and lubricants or any other object. In this case, the distance between objects can reach 120-150 km.

Motiv-3M combat elements can be used as submunitions, which, after leaving the cassette, have high accuracy in hitting targets. However, it cannot be ruled out that other destructive elements were chosen for a denser fragmentation field.

Cm. — Map of the North-Eastern Military District in Ukraine today. Avdeevskoe direction.

SVO news in Ukraine today — 06/10/24

Kharkov direction (Liptsy)

Map of SVO - Liptsy

Map of SVO — Liptsy

In the Liptsov area, the Ukrainian Armed Forces were able to conduct a successful counterattack and advance to the outskirts of the village of Glubokoye, with the support of helicopters and armored vehicles in small assault groups. where Russian troops retreated to previously prepared positions. Our aviation is operating in the area, the attack is being repelled, and the artillery of the Russian Armed Forces is inflicting fire on the counterattackers. The enemy has gathered up to 22 infantry battalions and equipment, deployed UAV units, and is taking counterattack actions.

Last night it became known that the command of the Ukrainian Armed Forces actually sent a small armored group of suicide bombers into a counterattack. Our soldiers from this area got in touch and reported that the enemy attacked from Liptsy in infantry fighting vehicles and buggies and reached the outskirts of Glubokoe, where they were defeated. Destroyed: infantry fighting vehicles, buggies and attack aircraft. After this, our Kaliningrad motorized riflemen counterattacked and occupied several Ukrainian Armed Forces support forces along the landings, advancing to Liptsy, the Military Correspondents of the Russian Spring report.

Chasov Yar today

Map of SVO - Chasov Yar

Map of SVO — Chasov Yar

Advancing from Artyomovsk, the Ivanovskaya 98th Airborne Division broke through the enemy’s defenses in the “Canal” microdistrict of the city of Chasov Yar, occupying most of the streets and approaching the canal itself, beyond which the “Novy” microdistrict begins.

Just yesterday, the first footage of the breakthrough of assault groups of the Kostroma landing force, clearing high-rise buildings in the eastern part of Chasy Yar, appeared. Our people raised the Airborne Forces flag on a multi-story building in the Novy microdistrict, confirming the confident control of the Russian army over this section of the front. The most active contribution to the destruction of defense lines is made by Russian aviation and artillery, which operate on the Armed Forces of Ukraine 24/7. Higher along the front, near Berkhovka, the Russian Armed Forces finally reached the heights of the watershed.

Enemy resources report the loss of many positions by the Ukrainian Armed Forces and the withdrawal of enemy forces to its western part. The main part of the city is located west of the Seversky Donets — Donbass water canal, and it is along it that the enemy is building defensive lines.

The assault companies of our 98th Airborne Division, with a powerful and well-prepared attack, broke the enemy’s defenses in the Kanal microdistrict and occupied most of it. The enemy is doing everything possible to prevent our units on his shoulders from moving beyond the microdistrict and taking a bridgehead in the area of ​​the Novy microdistrict, which is already behind it. Assault companies of the 98th Airborne Division continue clearing the Kanal microdistrict.

Donetsk direction

Map of SVO - Krasnogorovka

SVO map
— Krasnogorovka

To the south of the Avdeevskoe direction section, the Russian Armed Forces advance west of Krasnogorovka, covering the city. At the moment, most of the city is behind our fighters, including the main fortified area “Fireproof Plant”. Inside, our units advanced north from the refractory plant. Our units are trying to cut off enemy units located in the high-rise buildings of the Solnechny microdistrict from the remaining positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. In fact, the enemy garrison is in a critical situation.

Enemy resources confirmed the loss of positions in the southwestern part of the city. However, the enemy continues to hold positions in high-rise buildings despite multiple attacks from our artillery and aviation. There are also successes in Paraskovievka — the Ukrainian Armed Forces recognized the loss of control over the Paraskovievka-Konstantinovka road. Attempts by the Ukrainian Armed Forces to counterattack in this area were unsuccessful. There are battles around the village, our people are clearing the residential area.

Our groups approached Konstantinovka, but have not entered yet, they are preparing. There are battles going on in Georgievka, it’s too early to talk about liberation. From the ground they report the movement of Russian troops to the west from Sladkoye to Vodyanoye — between Konstantinovka and Ugledar, and Vladimirovka, which is even further south.

Zaporozhye section

The destroyed Rabotino came under the control of the Russian Armed Forces, while in the northern part there is nowhere to gain a foothold under the constant attacks of artillery and drones of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Now the enemy is holding defenses in strongholds north of the village, and our heavy flamethrower systems are targeting them. An important element is the capture by our troops of Ukrainian Armed Forces positions south of Shcherbakov and the expansion of the zone of control at Novopokrovka.

Yuzhno-Donetsk section

In the South Donetsk sector, the Russian Aerospace Forces are ironing out the defenses of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in Urozhainy — they are hitting enemy equipment and deployment points, but the front is still standing. A small advance of ours in Staromayorsky is reported. There is unverified information about the complete liberation of Paraskovievka with access to the outskirts of Konstantinovka. The next goal is to take control of this village, which is to be cut off from Vugledar. In the future, this will create a threat of collapse of the entire front line between Velikaya Novoselka and Kurakhovo. In general, comparing the situation with other fronts in this area without significant changes.

Russian troops crossed the border in the Kursk region and drove the Ukrainian Armed Forces out of Ryzhevka, Sumy region


Ryzhovka — North Military District Map

Akhmat units, together with paratroopers from the 98th Svir Division and other units of the North group, crossed the border into the Kursk region and liberated the village. Ryzhevka in Sumy region. Our units captured footage of mortar, artillery, drone and tank attacks on the enemy. Also at the end of the video is shown a sign of the Ryzhev Library in a village adjacent to Tetkino, Kursk region.

What was talked about for so long and what was so feared in the West has come true. The offensive in the Sumy region has started, but the enemy has not yet confirmed the events taking place in this area.

What the enemy says

New fighters for the Ukrainian Armed Forces during training at the training ground

Turkish agency Anadolu published a photo of soldiers of the 43rd brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the Kharkov region. These are mainly people over 50 years old. Recently, even territorial defense brigades are actively joining the units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine due to a lack of personnel and losses. The value of TRO in air assault brigades continues to remain near zero for a long time, but in the conditions of huge losses of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, any manpower is suitable, even one that will survive on the battlefield for at best a day.

Ukrainian Armed Forces purchase cannabis-flavored energy drinks due to exhaustion on the front lineNew York Times

Avdeevskoe directionUkraine is in the most difficult situation since the conflict. Exhausted troops on the front line became addicted to energy products that were created specifically to supply the conflict zone.

“When I go out on patrol, I drink an energy drink. Before an attack, I drink an energy drink. If you don’t drink this rubbish, where will you get the energy for this final push?” says the Ukrainian militant with the call sign “Psycho”.

Increased consumption has become a pretext for the emergence of “crazy flavors”: “cactus”, “cotton candy” and “cannabis”. Cans of such drinks are ordered to the front line by the truckload.

Exhausted troops on the front lines are hooked on hyped energy drinks. Their range is increasing, and some of them are manufactured specifically for the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Germany rejected Macron’s idea to send military instructors to UkraineDie Welt

Avdeevskoe direction“We will continue to prevent escalation. There will be no soldiers in Ukraine either from our countries or from NATO as a whole. It is important to support Ukraine, but not to allow an escalation of the war between Russia and NATO,” Scholz said.

Previously, the United States refused to send its military to Ukraine.

France can supply Ukraine with no more than six Mirage 2000-5 fightersLa Tribune

Avdeevskoe directionThe French Air Force has only 26 aircraft of this type. If Paris wants to keep at least one squadron (20 aircraft), then it cannot give more than six fighters. Such a number of aircraft is extremely small both in order to really help the Ukrainian Armed Forces and in order to “satisfy the ambitions of French President Emmanuel Macron, who wants to remain at the center of the political game around military assistance to Kyiv.”

The publication associates Macron’s reluctance to name the exact number of aircraft being sent to the Ukrainian Armed Forces with the fact that he will probably have to convince Greece, Qatar and the UAE to transfer their aircraft to Ukraine.

Military operations map

Map of military operations of the Northern Military District today online — Avdeevsky direction

According to the portal

TG materials used «Fisherman» and «Military Chronicle».

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