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Bankruptcy procedure for individuals — emergency measures to get out of the financial «hole»

Bankruptcy procedure for individuals — emergency measures to get out of the financial «hole»

CrimeaPRESS reports:

The bankruptcy procedure for individuals in Russia is regulated by the Federal Law «On Insolvency (Bankruptcy)» No. 127-FZ. It provides citizens with the opportunity to officially recognize their financial insolvency and receive relief from debts subject to certain conditions. Here are the main stages and aspects on which it «rests» bankruptcy of individuals:

Conditions for starting the procedure

  • amount of debt: The citizen’s debts must exceed 500,000 rubles.
  • delayed payments: the debt on mandatory payments must be overdue by more than 3 months.
  • insolvency: The citizen must prove that he is unable to pay off his debts.

The main stages of the bankruptcy procedure

Filing a claim in court

  • initiative: a bankruptcy petition can be filed by the debtor himself or his creditors.
  • documents: the application must include information about income, property, debts and creditors, as well as provide documents confirming the financial situation.

Consideration of the application by the court

  • acceptance of the application: the court considers the application and makes a decision to initiate bankruptcy proceedings.
  • appointment of a financial manager: the court appoints a financial manager who will manage the debtor’s affairs.

Debt restructuring

  • restructuring plan: the court and the financial manager may propose a debt restructuring plan, which involves paying off debts over a certain period of time (up to 3 years).
  • plan approval: the plan must be agreed upon with creditors and approved by the court.

Sale of property

  • Sale of property: if the restructuring plan is not approved or not implemented, the property sale procedure begins. The financial manager draws up a list of property to be sold.
  • auction: property is sold at auction and the proceeds are used to pay off debts.

Debt relief

  • Residual debts: after all procedures are completed, the debtor may be released from the remaining debts if the court declares him bankrupt.
  • Exceptions: Not all debts are subject to write-off. For example, debts for alimony, compensation for damage to health and other obligations remain.

Consequences of bankruptcy

  • credit history: Bankruptcy negatively affects your credit history, which can make it difficult to obtain loans in the future.
  • restrictions: a bankrupt person may face restrictions on holding certain positions and engaging in business activities for a certain period of time.
  • control: within five years after bankruptcy, a citizen is obliged to report the fact of bankruptcy when trying to obtain a loan.

Advantages and disadvantages of bankruptcy procedure


  • Debt relief: the opportunity to legally write off debts and start a new financial life.
  • Protection from creditors: Once bankruptcy proceedings have begun, creditors cannot demand repayment of debts directly from the debtor.


  • duration and cost: the procedure can be lengthy and requires payment for the services of a financial manager and other associated costs.
  • risk of loss of property: during the bankruptcy process, property may be seized and sold to pay off debts.
  • negative consequences for career and business: bankruptcy can limit the debtor’s opportunities in professional and entrepreneurial activities.

The personal bankruptcy procedure in Russia provides an opportunity for legal relief from debt, but requires careful consideration and preparation. It is important to consult with a lawyer or financial advisor to properly assess your options and risks.

Bankruptcy of individuals — consequences

The question that many people ask is:They say that if you have gone through the official bankruptcy procedure, then this is not an «indulgence» at all. In the future, there may be problems with obtaining other loans, for example. What happens to the credit history in the event of bankruptcy of individuals?

Experts explain: official bankruptcy of individuals in Russia really has serious consequences for the credit history and can affect the financial situation in the future. Here is what happens to the credit history and what problems can arise:

The Impact of Bankruptcy on Credit History

  • bankruptcy record: after bankruptcy is declared, information about this event is included in the citizen’s credit history. This record is stored in the credit history bureau (CHB) for 10 years.
  • Negative Rating: Bankruptcy significantly worsens your credit rating. This can make it virtually impossible to get new loans, at least for the next few years.
  • Loan denial: Most banks and credit institutions are reluctant to provide loans to individuals with a history of bankruptcy, considering them high-risk borrowers.

Problems with obtaining loans in the future

  • high rates: if the loan is approved, interest rates may be significantly higher due to the increased risks.
  • limited amounts: the amounts that can be loaned will likely be limited.
  • additional requirements: banks may require additional collateral, surety or other guarantees to reduce their risks.

Other financial implications

  • Difficulty renting: Some landlords may check the credit history of potential tenants, and a bankruptcy record may be grounds for refusal.
  • Employment issues: Some employers, especially in the financial sector or in management positions, may consider credit history when hiring.
  • restrictions on business activity: a bankrupt person may face restrictions on engaging in business activity or holding certain positions for a certain period of time.

Restoring your credit history

  • long-term process: rebuilding your credit history is a long-term process that can take several years.
  • Responsible borrowing: Gradually improving your credit history is possible through taking out and repaying small loans or credit cards on time.
  • Accumulating positive records: Regular and timely loan payments will help improve your credit score over time.
  • Consulting with financial experts: Consulting with a financial advisor can help you develop a strategy for rebuilding your credit history.

Alternatives to bankruptcy

Before deciding to file for bankruptcy, it is worth considering alternative debt resolution options:

  • debt restructuring: agreements with creditors on new terms for debt repayment.
  • credit holidays: temporary suspension of payments or reduction of the monthly payment amount to her.
  • refinancing: obtaining a new loan on more favorable terms to pay off old debts.

Filing for personal bankruptcy is a serious decision with long-term consequences. Before you begin the process, it is important to carefully weigh the pros and cons and, if possible, consult with legal and financial professionals.

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Bankruptcy — on your own or with specialists

The bankruptcy procedure for individuals is a complex and multifaceted process that requires knowledge of law and finance. Therefore, the choice between going through the procedure yourself and contacting specialists depends on your situation and level of preparation. Here are the main aspects that will help you make the right decision.

Going through the bankruptcy procedure on your own


  • savings on specialist services: you don’t need to pay lawyers and financial managers for their services.
  • process control: you have complete control over the process, make decisions and maintain documentation yourself.


  • complexity and labor-intensiveness: the bankruptcy procedure involves many legal and financial aspects that are difficult to understand without special education.
  • risks of errors: incorrect execution of documents, failure to comply with deadlines and procedures may lead to a refusal to recognize bankruptcy or to a delay in the process.
  • Psychological burden: The bankruptcy process can be emotionally and psychologically difficult, especially if you have to deal with creditors and the courts without support.

Contacting specialists


  • professional support: lawyers and financial managers have the experience and knowledge that will help you go through the bankruptcy procedure correctly and effectively.
  • Reducing the risk of errors: specialists will help to avoid errors in the preparation of documents and compliance with procedures, which will increase the chances of successful completion of the process.
  • stress reduction: specialists will take on the main work and interaction with creditors and courts, which will reduce the psychological burden on you.


  • Cost of services: The services of lawyers and financial managers can be expensive.
  • dependence on specialists: you will have to rely on other people and trust them with important decisions and actions.


Assessing your situation

  • amount of debt and complexity of the financial situation: if your debts are significant and include many creditors, it is recommended to contact specialists.
  • your knowledge and experience: If you do not have a legal or financial education and experience, going through the procedure on your own may be too difficult.

The choice of specialists

  • Reputation and experience: Choose lawyers and financial managers with a good reputation and experience in the field of bankruptcy.
  • Reviews and recommendations: Read reviews from other customers and ask for recommendations.
  • Cost transparency: Clarify all costs associated with the services of specialists to avoid unexpected costs.

Preparing for the procedure

  • Collecting documents: Whether you decide to go through the process yourself or with the help of professionals, start by preparing all the necessary documents, including information about income, property, debts and creditors.
  • Consultations: Consult with several professionals to understand the best course of action for your situation.

For most people, turning to professionals is a safer and more effective way to go through the bankruptcy process. This is especially important if you have a difficult financial situation or do not have sufficient knowledge and experience. However, if you are confident in your abilities and are willing to invest time and effort in learning all aspects of the procedure, going through bankruptcy on your own is also possible.

Bankruptcy — yes… As «symptoms» for initiating the procedure

What are the «symptoms» that indicate that bankruptcy is the best way out of the situation? Of course, deciding to start bankruptcy is a serious step that requires careful consideration and assessment of your financial situation. Here are the key signs that indicate that bankruptcy may be the best way out of the current situation:

Inability to pay off debts

  • persistent delinquency: you regularly fail to pay your loans, utilities, or other obligations on time.
  • overdue payments: your debts on mandatory payments exceed 500,000 rubles and are overdue by more than 3 months.

Lack of income to cover minimum needs

  • low income: your income does not allow you to cover even basic living expenses, let alone pay off debts.
  • loss of income: you have lost your job or main source of income and there is no prospect of regaining it in the near future.

Constant pressure from creditors

  • threats and calls: you receive constant calls and letters from creditors demanding payment of debts.
  • Lawsuits: Creditors have started suing you to collect debts.

Unsuccessful attempts at debt restructuring

  • Restructuring refusal: you tried to negotiate with creditors about debt restructuring, but were refused.
  • Unable to refinance: You tried to get a new loan to pay off old debts, but were refused or the loan terms were too harsh.

Risk of loss of property

  • seizure of property: bailiffs have seized your property or initiated enforcement proceedings to collect debts.
  • risk of homelessness: your only home is at risk of being repossessed.

Complete lack of financial reserves

  • no savings: You have no savings or other assets that can be used to pay off your debts.
  • sale of assets: you have already sold all liquid assets, but still could not pay off your debts.

Psychological stress and deterioration of health

  • stress and depression: financial problems cause you constant stress, depression and deterioration of your overall health.
  • family conflicts: financial problems become the cause of constant conflicts in the family.

Making a decision on bankruptcy

If you have identified several of the above symptoms, then bankruptcy may be a reasonable option. However, before making a final decision, it is important to:

  • consultation with a lawyer: Consult with a bankruptcy attorney to get a professional assessment of your situation.
  • evaluation of alternatives: Consider all possible alternatives to bankruptcy, such as debt restructuring, credit holidays, or refinancing.
  • preparation of documents: Prepare all the necessary documents to ensure that the bankruptcy procedure goes as smoothly and without delays as possible.

Filing for bankruptcy can help you get out of debt and start a new financial life, but it’s important to understand all the implications of this step and prepare carefully.

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