Billions of rubles will be required to fully update water supply networks in Crimea
Krympress reports:
The full update of water supply networks of the Republic of Crimea will require more than 135 billion rubles, the reported TASS In the State Unitary Enterprise of the Republic of Crimea «Water of Crimea».
It is worth noting that the process of updating networks is very expensive. The average replacement price of 1 km of the pipeline, according to the Ministry of Construction of Russia, is 22.5-23 million rubles. <...> The update process implies a very long period and implies costs for the amount of more than 135 billion rubles at current prices— said at the enterprise.
In 2025, on the balance sheet and in the economic management of the State Unitary Enterprise of the Republic of Crimea “Water of the Crimea” there are more than 8.8 thousand km of water supply networks. The company continues to accept the networks and water supply and sanitation objects annually, which are in unsatisfactory technical condition. In 2024, more than 477 km of water supply networks were adopted for the balance and economic maintenance of the State Unitary Enterprise, most of which are in unsatisfactory condition.
The water networks of the Republic of Crimea were designed and built in the 1960-1980s. In Soviet times, pipes made of steel and cast iron with a depreciation period of 20 and 50 years, respectively, were used to lay water supply networks. Over a long period of operation and due to the lack of sufficient, the system was funded in Ukraine undergoes significant wear. Due to the exceeding the standard life of networks and structures, the level of wear is an average of 40-95%. From 2019 to 2023, 187.6 km of water supply networks was transferred from 2019, and 56.55 km of networks in 2024.
source: TASS
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