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Buckwheat pillow — and let your sleep be healthy

Buckwheat pillow — and let your sleep be healthy

CrimeaPRESS reports:

Buckwheat pillow – is a pillow filled with buckwheat husks, which are obtained after threshing the grain. Such pillows are becoming increasingly popular due to their unique properties and health benefits. Here is what they are:

  • filler: the main component is buckwheat husk, which has good breathability and lightness. It does not cake or wrinkle over time, which allows the pillow to maintain its shape.
  • Ergonomics: Buckwheat husk easily adapts to the shape of the head and neck, providing good support and proper spine position during sleep. This can help reduce neck and back pain.
  • hypoallergenic: such pillows are often recommended for people suffering from allergies, since buckwheat husks do not attract dust mites and do not accumulate allergens.
  • natural ventilation: buckwheat husk promotes good air circulation inside the pillow, which prevents overheating and sweating during sleep. This is especially important in warm weather.
  • Durability: Buckwheat pillows tend to last longer than pillows with synthetic fillings, since their structure is not subject to deformation.
  • Eco-Friendly: These pillows are environmentally friendly products as buckwheat hulls are a natural and renewable resource. They are also biodegradable.
  • Scent: These pillows may have a light natural buckwheat scent, which many find pleasant and soothing.

However, buckwheat pillows also have some disadvantages. For example, they can be a little hard for those who are used to soft pillows, and noisy due to the husk when moving.

Buckwheat pillows — indications and contraindications

Indeed, buckwheat pillows have both indications and contraindications. Here are the main ones:


  • Neck and back pain: Buckwheat pillows provide good support and proper head and neck positioning, which can help reduce pain and tension.
  • Insomnia and anxiety: Some people find the light natural scent of buckwheat helpful, as it has a calming effect.
  • Allergies: Buckwheat hulls are hypoallergenic and do not attract dust mites, making these pillows a good choice for people with allergies.
  • Increased sweating: Buckwheat pillows are well ventilated and help reduce sweating during sleep.
  • eco-friendly lovers: these pillows are made from natural and biodegradable materials.


  • Buckwheat allergy: Despite its hypoallergenic properties, some people may be allergic directly to buckwheat. In such cases, buckwheat pillows are not suitable.
  • People who prefer soft pillows: buckwheat pillows are quite hard and dense. If you need a soft and plush pillow, buckwheat may not be suitable.
  • Noise when moving: Buckwheat hulls make a slight noise when moving. This may be unpleasant for those who are sensitive to sounds while sleeping.
  • Increased skin sensitivity: Some people may be uncomfortable due to the texture and firmness of the pillow.
  • breathing problems: Although rare, some people may experience respiratory irritation from small husk particles.

It is important to remember that choosing a pillow is an individual process. It is recommended to try sleeping on a buckwheat pillow for several nights before making a final decision on its use.

Criteria for choosing a buckwheat pillow

When choosing a buckwheat pillow, it is worth considering several important criteria so that it best suits your needs and preferences. Here are the main ones:

Filler quality:

  • Hull Cleanliness: Make sure your buckwheat hulls are free of dust and debris and treated to prevent insects.
  • Organic filling: It is preferable to choose pillows that use organic buckwheat hulls without the use of pesticides and chemicals.


  • material: the cover should be made of natural, breathable materials such as cotton or linen. This will ensure good ventilation and comfort.
  • Removable cover: The presence of a removable cover makes it easier to care for the pillow, as it can be washed regularly.
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Size and shape:

  • Size: Pillows come in different sizes. Choose the size that best suits your bed and sleep preferences.
  • shape: there are different shapes of pillows — classic rectangular, anatomical, for the neck, etc. Choose a shape that provides maximum support and comfort.

Adjustable height:

  • amount of filling: some pillows have the ability to adjust the amount of filling. This allows you to customize the height and firmness of the pillow to your taste.


  • Reviews and reputation: Pay attention to the reviews and reputation of the manufacturer. Quality pillows are usually made by proven and well-known brands.
  • certificates: the presence of certificates and quality guarantees is also a plus.


  • Value for money: Buckwheat pillows come in a variety of price ranges. Choose a pillow that fits your budget, but don’t forget about quality.

Personal preferences:

  • Firmness and comfort: Since buckwheat pillows are quite firm, make sure you are comfortable on the pillow. It may be worth trying the pillow for a few nights first.

Considering these criteria, you can choose a buckwheat pillow that will provide you with a comfortable and healthy sleep.

Buckwheat pillow - and let your sleep be healthy


It should also be noted that buckwheat pillows can be useful for both adults and children, but there are some features and precautions that should be taken into account when choosing and using pillows for different age groups.

For adults:

  • Neck and back support: Adults often need pillows that provide good support for the head and neck, especially if they have spinal problems or neck pain.
  • hypoallergenic: buckwheat pillows are suitable for people prone to allergies, as they do not attract dust mites and do not accumulate allergens.
  • Comfort and firmness: Adults may appreciate the density and shape of these pillows, especially if they prefer to sleep on a firmer surface.

For children:

  • Age recommendations: Buckwheat pillows are generally not recommended for children under two years of age due to the risk of suffocation and the surface being too hard. Older children can use such pillows, but with caution.
  • Pillow size: Baby buckwheat pillows should be smaller in size to fit the size of a baby’s head and neck.
  • hypoallergenic properties: buckwheat pillows can be useful for children suffering from allergies or asthma, as they are not attractive t dust mites.
  • Adjustable height: For children, it is important that the height and firmness of the pillow can be adjusted to ensure proper head and neck position.

Features and warnings:

  • Firmness: Buckwheat pillows may be too firm for some children and adults who are used to soft pillows. This should be taken into account when choosing.
  • Noise: Buckwheat husks make a slight noise when moved, which can be unpleasant for children, especially if they are sensitive to sounds while sleeping.
  • Allergy test: despite its hypoallergenic properties, some people may have an individual intolerance to buckwheat. Before buying, it is recommended to check for an allergic reaction.
  • replaceable cover: for children it is especially important that the pillow cover can be easily removed and washed.

Taking these factors into account, buckwheat pillows can be a good choice for both adults and children, providing comfortable and healthy sleep.

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