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By candlelight and a musician from Cuba: jazz evenings in Sevastopol

By candlelight and a musician from Cuba: jazz evenings in Sevastopol

CrimeaPRESS reports:

In January, Sevastopol invites you to attend the opening of the “Georgia of Jazz” concert series and listen to the Crimean jazz diva among hundreds of candles in the intimate setting of a literary and musical living room. A special surprise has been prepared for all fans of Afro-Cuban jazz. Tourist portal of Crimea tells you where and who to listen to.

Concert “Geography of Jazz: Cuba”. When: January 26. Where: Sevastopol, st. Portovaya, 17, Tsarskaya Pristan business center.

The event opens the “Geography of Jazz” series of concerts, the task of which is to reveal the most iconic compositions from different countries of the world, peoples and eras. The first event will be dedicated to Cuba. Listeners can expect rich rhythms, dramatic flows and all-encompassing energy.

The concert will feature vocalist CQ Plam, a native of Cuban Havana. Therefore, who, if not him, should become a musical “guide” to the Island of Freedom. The black musician was born into an artistic family, from the age of 15 he performed on the professional stage, toured in different countries, moved to Siberia in 2005, and has recently been actively performing in Crimea.

CQ Plam will be joined by the popular jazz trio “A3” on the peninsula. The team includes finalists of the TV competition “New Star”, participants of international jazz festivals Andrey Rybalchenko (piano), Andrey Aminov (bass guitar) and Andrey Degurko (drums).

The concert will start at 18:30. Tickets are on sale here.

Concert “Musical fireworks”. When: January 27. Where: Sevastopol, st. Lenina, 35, retro cinema «Ukraine».

The vocal ensemble “Jazz-Rendezvous”, a collective of the Crimean State Philharmonic, will perform for the audience. It is led by Honored Artist of the Republic of Crimea Arkady Zhuravlev.

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The program will include works such as “Adiemus” by Karl Jenkins, “Grass by the House” and “The Shores of Russia”. There will also be a medley of songs from many favorite domestic films.

Starts at 17:00. Tickets can be purchased Here.

Concert «Jazz by Candlelight». When: January 28. Where: Sevastopol, st. Lenin, 51, library named after. Tolstoy.

Andrei Rybalchenko from the trio “A3” and the Crimean jazz diva Anna Shakel return to Tolstovka to once again organize an evening of music. Listeners will enjoy a chamber setting in the muted light of hundreds of candles, the enchanting sounds of a piano and gentle vocals.

The concert will take place in the historical literary and musical living room, in the library tower — on the third floor.

The performance starts at 18:00. Tickets available Here. For those planning to attend the event with a child, you need to buy a separate ticket for him. Seating in the living room is limited.

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