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«Catch» of the traffic police following the results of the action «Drunk driver» in Simferopol — 12 motorists «drunk»

«Catch» of the traffic police following the results of the action «Drunk driver» in Simferopol — 12 motorists «drunk»

CrimeaPRESS reports:

According to the results of the preventive measure «Drunk driver», which was held in Simferopol from August 18 to 20, traffic police officers identified 12 drivers who allowed themselves to drive while intoxicated.

The traffic police inspectors used the mass inspection method. On a specific section of the road, the maximum number of drivers was checked for a minimum period of time. After the employees moved to other points and repeated the procedure— explained the «rich catch» in the State traffic inspectorate.

It is reported that such operations and “flying” mass sobriety tests will continue regularly.

News of the Crimea | CrimeaPRESS

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