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Simferopol News

Simferopol news. Reviews, news, events, politics in Simferopol today. Incidents and the life of the city now. News of politics, economy, culture and sports. Events in Simferopol.

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Simferopol News

The capital of the Republic of Crimea – Simferopol — is always in the center of media attention. Simferopol news is interesting to all Crimeans. At least because it is the capital, where the vectors of the peninsula’s development are set and determined, political, social, budgetary, economic, personnel, and public issues concerning the entire Crimea are resolved.

Simferopol news sets the informational rhythm of the whole Republic. In addition, it is the largest, almost half a million city with a developed infrastructure. There are most enterprises, shopping centers, construction sites, offices here. Dozens of cultural events take place here every day. Theatrical premieres and expositions, new films and music… In this regard, Simferopol is a trendsetter. Human flows from various parts of the country flock here.

Simferopol today

The capital is also interesting because it is the transport and logistics center of the entire peninsula. A new airport, an updated railway station, a modernized bus station and bus stations meet and escort thousands of tourists.
Simferopol is a city with more than two centuries of history. Historical buildings and monuments here organically coexist with new buildings and modern complex residential quarters. Besides, it is comfortable to live in this city. In terms of the number of parks, squares, green recreation areas, playgrounds, the capital is ready to compete with the resort subtropical Yalta. Simferopol news, in fact, is about this — about people’s lives, daily worries and worries, problems and victories of Crimeans.

Fresh, interesting, relevant and objective information about the life of Simferopol

In the Crimean capital, everything is «the most-the most». Here begins the unique, the longest trolleybus route in the world «Simferopol — Yalta», running through the Angarsk pass (752 meters above sea level), 96 km long (from the airport). The Scythian state – Scythian Naples — has been located here since the III century BC. Here they honor the name of the Russian Empress Catherine the Second, who founded the «city-collector», «city of use» (translation of the name Simferopol from Greek) in 1784. It is no coincidence that a monument to Catherine the Great has been restored in the city center. It should be noted that this square (city garden) also accumulates various events, and not only memorable, memorial, and therefore also occupies a special place in the daily information picture of the life of the Crimean peninsula.

Simferopol is not only a city-politician, a city-worker, a city-logistics, industrial, shopping center… It is also a place of unity of different cultures. The Crimean capital is multinational and is a bright multi-alloy of customs, traditions, and peculiarities of the way of life of various peoples. These are also interesting original news of Simferopol.
Scandals, incidents, emergencies, accidents, fires and crimes… These topics are always particularly interesting in news feeds. Simferopol news will not let down «demanding connoisseurs». Something «like that» happens here every day. The capital, it is the capital. They are multifaceted, original and always relevant. The latest and most interesting, diverse topics of daily news of Simferopol.

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