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CentroCredit Bank Presents Collection of Old Russian Securities

CentroCredit Bank Presents Collection of Old Russian Securities

CrimeaPRESS reports:

As the Chairman of the Board of Directors told the correspondent of “KrymPRESS” Bank CentroCredit Andrey Tarasov, a unique exhibition of old Russian securities from his collection is dedicated to the 35th anniversary of the bank’s foundation (the financial organization was created on June 23, 1989. The bank is one of the ten oldest banks in the new Russia). The exhibition is based on rare historical documents: shares, bonds, temporary certificates and mortgage sheets. And they date back not only to the times of Tsarist Russia, but also to the Soviet Union.

The history of the emergence of securities in Russia has always been interesting to us, and even more so now, when CentroCredit is actively working in all segments of the modern stock market— said Andrey Tarasov.

Explaining why they decided to present the unique exhibits to visitors this year, the Chairman of the Board of Directors of CentroCredit Bank noted that 2024 is especially significant for the financial institution: for the first time, the bank has only two main shareholders – Russian residents, individuals. These are Andrey Tarasov himself and Ilya Korbashov.

It should also be noted that Andrey Tarasov’s collection of securities also includes documents related to outstanding historical figures. In particular, Yuliy Guzhon is mentioned — the founder of the Moscow Metal Plant partnership, which after the revolution was renamed the Hammer and Sickle plant.

At one time it was believed— says Andrey Tarasov, — that it was Goujon who received the first driver’s license in Russia, we spent a lot of time trying to verify this information, but we only found his license under No. 3741. The legend has not yet been confirmed.

The exhibition also highlights stories related to:

  • Russian inventor Nikolai Benardos.

We have a form for the action of the «Russian Society of Electrical Engineering Plant»— notes Andrey Tarasov, — where it is written right on the front side: «Invention of N.N. Benardos.» But the society never started working, did not bring in any income. As in many cases, Nikolai Benardos did not have enough money either to launch his invention or for patent fees, and all financial initiative was «taken» by people far removed from science.

  • «truly» old and unusual papers: for example, in Andrei Tarasov’s collection there are shares worth 100 rubles in silver of the «Company for the Procurement of Ship’s Biscuits and Baked Bread» issued in 1853.

It is interesting that in the middle of the 19th century— says the Chairman of the Board of Directors of CentroCredit Bank, — During the voyage, in addition to 45 pounds of crackers, one sailor was also entitled to 28 Russian glasses of vodka (a Russian glass is 0.123 l) per month. But many sailors did not drink, and received monetary compensation of 5 kopecks for each glass not drunk.

The collection of securities that Andrey Tarasov collected over a quarter of a century is one of the largest of its kind in Russia. It contains several thousand documents-artifacts from the 18th-20th centuries. Its main feature is that the exhibition not only helps to look at the history of finance, but also demonstrates historical facts of the Russian reality of those years.

Find out more:  В Евпатории впервые заседал новый состав Молодёжного совета

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