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Chairman of the Board of Directors of CentroCredit Bank: «Electricity and ion engines are the future of aviation and rocketry»

Chairman of the Board of Directors of CentroCredit Bank: «Electricity and ion engines are the future of aviation and rocketry»

CrimeaPRESS reports:

The future of aviation and rocket engineering in Russia was discussed at the traditional annual youth scientific and technical festival «Maevsky Vzlet». The event took place at the end of May at the training and aviation base of the Moscow Aviation Institute (MAI) in Alferyevo near Moscow. In fact, the MAI graduates’ club is the initiator of the festival.

One of the MAI graduates is Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Bank «CentroCredit» Andrey Tarasov, in a conversation with a correspondent of the Information Platform «KrymPRESS» about the development prospects of the Russian aviation industry, noted:

During my studies, it seemed that the main purpose of any type of aviation system – airplanes, helicopters, rockets – was to deliver some kind of cargo to a certain place, a point on the world map, be it a person, a container with finished products or a space satellite. This logistics is accompanied by the consumption of large quantities of various types of fuel. For aviation, this is aviation kerosene, with all the ensuing environmental consequences. Airplanes cause significant damage to nature, despite the fact that they consume only about 3% of the energy resources produced.

The Mayevsky Vzlet festival showed that an ecological cluster should also be developed to popularize the introduction of the most promising type of energy for aviation.

According to Andrey Tarasov, electricity may become such a type of energy. The basis could be light batteries or solar panels that will be installed on the wings and body of aircraft. This approach will help solve a rather serious problem:

When the flight takes place at a high altitude under a generous bright sun, the air around is thin, and there is a problem with the propeller thrust, and when the plane is at a lower altitude, the opposite problem arises. It is necessary to look for a golden meansays Andrey Tarasov.

As for rocket science, in the opinion of Chairman of the Board of Directors of CentroCredit Bank, the future here is in ion engines. The operating principle here is built on the ionization of gas and its acceleration by an electrostatic field.

Andrey Tarasov is also confident that modern aviation will be able to move forward, actively developing aeronautics:

At one time, my teacher, academician Yuri Alekseevich Ryzhov, was a major ideologist of airship construction for air cargo transportation, which was relevant for long distances in the USSR. Despite the seemingly “outdated” type of such transport, I believe that it can have a great future.

It should be noted that «Maevsky Vzlet» continues the tradition of developing everything related to aviation in Russia: from improving flight programs to scientific and technical conferences and master classes. The event brings together those who are truly passionate about aviation.

As long as such a festival exists— says the owner of CentroCredit Andrey Tarasov, — I hope that Russians’ interest in aviation will only increase. And our alma mater, the Moscow Aviation Institute, will always play a significant role.

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