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Charitable Foundation «Gulfstream»: «With your support, the diagnosis of cerebral palsy is not a death sentence.» Little Leo needs help

Charitable Foundation «Gulfstream»: «With your support, the diagnosis of cerebral palsy is not a death sentence.» Little Leo needs help

CrimeaPRESS reports:

This story is about a small but strong wrestler Lev Kamaletdinov, a five-year-old ward of the children’s inclusive center “It’s fun to walk together.” Despite the diagnoses of cerebral palsy and epilepsy, thanks to your help and the efforts of the center’s specialists, he has been taking his first steps towards independence for a month now.

As soon as the boy crossed the threshold of the center, literally from the first minutes he demonstrated aggression: he wanted to break the cars, tear off the heads of toys, scatter everything he saw around. This is how he communicated, this is his familiar language with the world around him, he couldn’t do it any other way. Lev cried and threw tantrums, ran away from the class and demonstrated in every possible way that he did not want to study. A month has passed and the first results are already visible. Seeing Leo progress is something incredible! He learned to communicate with others calmly, not through aggression. Now the center’s specialists are working on the child’s communication skills through play. For example, a ball can not only be thrown, it can be caught or tossed. You don’t need to throw Cheburashka, but you can ride it in a car, feed it, but it’s even more fun to carry it on a train. The child must learn to understand instructions, respond adequately to requests from elders and answer questions asked of him,” noted the Gulfstream Charitable Foundation.

Ildar, Lev’s father, happily shares his impressions:

From the first day I am amazed at how they work with my son and how he changes before our eyes. The professionalism of neuropsychologists, speech pathologists, and AFK specialists at the center is beyond praise.

However, this is just the beginning and there is a whole year of rehabilitation ahead. Lots of work, including teaching Leos to ask for help and express their needs. And the Gulfstream Charitable Foundation is confident that he can handle it! Support your child in his endeavors and progress.

Each of us has loved ones, friends who love us and share our interests. Share with them the story of our Leo, and together give him at least one monthly lesson at the children’s inclusive center “It’s fun to walk together.” By uniting, we can overcome any obstacles, performing universal miracles. Let’s work together to create such miracles for Leo and other children who need our support. Your help is hope for a better future for them. Thank you for being with us! Thank you very much for your support! — Your Gulfstream Foundation.

With your support, a diagnosis of cerebral palsy is not a death sentence

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