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Chersonese Tauride will be digitized. All…

Chersonese Tauride will be digitized. All…

CrimeaPRESS reports:

Specialists from Sevastopol State University report «Sevastopol newspaper»completed the first stage of work on the geographic information system of the archaeological site “Tavrichesky Chersonesus”:

As the press service of the Ministry of Education and Science reported, the development is being carried out within the framework of the strategic project “Archeonet” of the strategic academic leadership program “Priority 2030”. Temples and four neighborhoods have already been digitized. On high-quality 3D models with a resolution of 25 mm per pixel, you can see every stone, gouges on columns, and ornamental details of stone elements. At the same time, seven levels of detail are provided, thanks to which the system can be run even on low-power computers.

In addition to a three-dimensional copy of the ruins, the map contains archaeological reports for specialists, data on finds, and precise references to geographic coordinates. And the final goal of the project is to create an “Archaeologist’s Tablet” based on the “single window” principle to combine the system for submitting reports, receiving an open sheet, and storing the entire database.

source: «Sevastopol newspaper»

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