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Collection of humanitarian aid for residents of Donbass evacuated to Russia continues in Yalta

KrymPRESS informs:

The second shipment of humanitarian aid for Donbas residents evacuated to Russia is scheduled for Friday, 25 February. Due to the large number of children in the refugee settlement zone, we focus on the preferred composition of humanitarian assistance:

  • books, games, toys, pencils, albums, coloring books, etc.
  • bed linen, towels, blankets, pillows
  • clothes for children and adults
  • diapers from 0 to 3 years
  • rubber slippers, personal hygiene products
  • baby food (mixtures, cereals, purees, juices)
  • dry baby food for children from 0 to 3 years
  • disposable tableware.

We remind you, the collection point: Yalta, st. Botkinskaya, A, tel. +81 981 81 , +15 981 10 01. Time: s 10. before 15.00

Source: Department of Information Policy of the Administration of the City of Yalta

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