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Combined samovars — Russian classics of samovar art in a modern version

Combined samovars — Russian classics of samovar art in a modern version

CrimeaPRESS reports:

It happens like this: things that were a mandatory attribute of human life, at some point give way to their more modern “colleagues”. More convenient, meeting the needs of “here and now”, cheaper, etc. So, samovars definitely do not belong to such “behind the times”, more can be said — now a house with the status of “hospitable, friendly, warm and cozy”, in which many people like to gather around the same table on weekdays and holidays Can’t imagine without samovars.

And why? Yes, because samovar makers keep up with the times and create “devices” that meet all the needs of the current day. Would you say that a samovar is only a samovar when it “works” on wood? And we won’t even argue. But! The past century (in the good sense of the word) and modernity coexist very well here. combined samovars.

What are they? It’s all very simple in reality:

  • These samovars usually have a built-in electric heating element that allows you to quickly and conveniently heat water using electricity. However, they also have a compartment for firewood, coals or other solid fuels, which can be used for traditional heating;
  • thanks to this dual system, you can choose between electricity and wood depending on the situation. Electricity is usually more convenient and faster, and fuel can add a distinct aroma and flavor to the drink;
  • these combination samovars often have traditional designs and elements to preserve the atmosphere of antique samovars. They may be decorated with carvings, patterns or other decorative elements;
  • Such samovars can be useful, for example, in country houses or other places where access to electricity may be limited, but you want to be able to prepare hot drinks.

However, it is worth noting that combination samovars can be more difficult to use and maintain due to the two different heating systems. They can also be more expensive than regular samovars due to the presence of an electrical part.

Combined samovars — what materials are they made from?

Combination samovars, like other kitchen devices, can be made from a variety of materials, including:

  • stainless steel: This material is a popular choice for combination samovars. Stainless steel is corrosion resistant, durable and easy to clean. It provides good thermal conductivity and long service life.
  • glass: Some models have glass tanks or kettles, which allows you to observe the process of preparing drinks. However, glass can be a more fragile material and is prone to breaking.
  • ceramics: combination samovars may have ceramic elements, such as teapots. Ceramic retains heat well and can add aesthetic appeal to the device.
  • plastic: Some parts of combined samovars, such as handles or lids, can be made of plastic. However, it is important that the plastic used in contact with hot water is of high quality and safe for use with food.
  • metal alloys: Some samovars may contain elements from various metal alloys, such as brass or copper, which can add «character» to them.

The choice of materials depends on your preference for design, style, as well as functional characteristics. It is also important to pay attention to the quality of materials, as this affects the durability and safety of the device.

Combined samovars — the price of the issue

The cost of combined samovars can vary greatly depending on many factors. In general, prices for combination samovars can start from around $100-$200 and reach several thousand dollars or even more depending on the model.

Factors that may influence the cost of a combined samovar:

  • brand and manufacturer: well-known and prestigious brands may offer more expensive models, but with higher quality and design.
  • materials: the use of high-quality materials, of course, increases the cost of samovars.
  • The more functions and capabilities a samovar has, the higher its price. For example, combination samovars with additional options, such as maintaining a certain temperature or programming a timer, may cost more.
  • design features, hand carvings, decorative elements and patterns can add to the cost of the samovar.
  • Large samovars with a large capacity may cost more compared to compact models.
  • If the samovar is equipped with modern technology options, such as touchscreen control panels or Wi-Fi connectivity, this can also increase its cost.

Criteria for choosing a combined samovar

When choosing combination samovars, there are several important criteria that you should pay attention to in order to make the right choice according to your needs and preferences. Here are some of the main criteria:

  • heating source: make sure that the samovar supports two heating sources — both wood and electricity. This is one of the key characteristics of combined samovars.
  • capacity: Decide how much water you would typically like to cook at one time. Choose a samovar with a suitable capacity to suit your needs.
  • evaluate the materials from which the samovar is made. Stainless steel is often considered a reliable and durable choice, but there are also models with ceramic or glass parts.
  • think about the features that are important to you. This may include having a timer, maintaining a certain water temperature, different modes for making tea or coffee, and other options.
  • Pay attention to safety systems such as overheat protection and automatic shutdown to avoid potential problems.
  • check how simple and convenient it is to use and maintain the samovar. This includes ease of cleaning and maintenance.
  • find out what warranty is provided for the samovar. This can give you additional confidence in its quality and reliability.
  • Check other user reviews and ratings of different models to learn about their performance and reliability.

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