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Commemorative events dedicated to the 82nd anniversary of the completion of the second defense of the city were held in Sevastopol

Commemorative events dedicated to the 82nd anniversary of the completion of the second defense of the city were held in Sevastopol

CrimeaPRESS reports:

On July 3, 1942, the second heroic defense of Sevastopol officially ended. In the regional calendar, this is a day of remembrance and sorrow.

Sevastopol Governor Mikhail Razvozhaev took part in the action «Hour of Remembrance. We Remember in Order to Live», which took place today in the museum historical and memorial complex «35th Coastal Battery». The participants of the action were members of the Government of Sevastopol and deputies of the Legislative Assembly, employees of the museum complex, representatives of public and veteran organizations, relatives of the defenders of Sevastopol.

The Second Defense of Sevastopol is a feat that has gone down in the history of our country forever. On July 3, the Soviet Information Bureau announced that Soviet troops had left the city. But we all know that for a long time our soldiers held their last defense at Cape Khersones, at the 35th coastal battery. And today we have met again at this sacred place to honor the memory of those who defended the city at the cost of their lives. When you listen to the memories of the defense, of the subsequent liberation of Sevastopol, you understand: now history is repeating itself. And our soldiers on the fronts of the special military operation are fighting to ensure that the enemy never sets foot on Sevastopol soil again.— the press service of the Government of Sevastopol quotes Mikhail Razvozhaev.

The head of the city, together with the director of the museum historical and memorial complex «35th Coastal Battery» Valery Volodin, laid flowers at the memorial sign «Stepped into Immortality». The memory of the fallen soldiers was honored with a minute of silence.

If we talk about Sevastopol traditions, the most important of them is to remember and know our history. The end of the second defense of the city is a heroic and tragic story. The defense ended here, at the 35th coastal battery: the last days, the last military council, the last encrypted telegram… And it was here that almost 80 thousand of our soldiers were left, including my father and the relatives of many of those with whom we meet here every year to pay tribute to the memory of our defenderssaid Valery Volodin.

The meeting participants spoke about the events and fates of the participants in the defense of Sevastopol, and also laid flowers at the Necropolis, where the remains of 700 defenders of the city rest.

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Commemorative events dedicated to the 82nd anniversary of the completion of the second defense of the city were held in Sevastopol Commemorative events dedicated to the 82nd anniversary of the completion of the second defense of the city were held in Sevastopol Commemorative events dedicated to the 82nd anniversary of the completion of the second defense of the city were held in Sevastopol

During the event, the governor presented awards to the employees of the 35th coastal battery who took part in the events of the Russian Spring.


The Second Defense of Sevastopol lasted from October 30, 1941 to July 3, 1942. Soldiers, sailors, and residents defended the city for 250 days and nights. Even after the loss of Sevastopol was announced, fighting continued at Cape Khersones and the 35th Coastal Battery. Tens of thousands of soldiers died, went missing, or were captured here. Today, the 35th Coastal Battery Museum and Memorial Complex operates on this site. It receives hundreds of guests daily who want to learn more about those tragic days in the history of Sevastopol and honor the memory of its defenders.

source: press service of the Government of Sevastopol

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