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Complete leadership for the import of pets into the United Arab Emirates from Russia

Complete leadership for the import of pets into the United Arab Emirates from Russia

Krympress reports:

When planning a move or travel to the United Arab Emirates (UAE) with a pet, it is important to carefully prepare and comply with all the established requirements. This manual presents detailed instructions and Rules for the import of animals in the UAE.

Preparation of documents

International veterinary passport

The first step is the design of an international veterinary passport for your pet. This document contains information about:

  • breed, nickname, field, age and animal color.
  • Microchip issue.
  • data on vaccination.
  • The results of the test for the titer of antibodies to the rabies virus.
  • information about the owner.

You can issue a passport in a licensed veterinary clinic after examining the animal and checking all the necessary data.


All cats and dogs imported into the UAE must be chipped. Requirements for microchip:

  • compliance with ISO 11784 or ISO 11785 standards.
  • 15-digit identification number.

If an outdated chip is installed, the owner must have a reader with him. The chip number should be included in the international database Animal -id and indicated in the veterinary passport.


After chipping, it is necessary to vaccinate the pet. Mandatory vaccinations:

For dogs:

  • rabies (rabies).
  • Dog plague virus (Canine Distemper Virus, CDV).
  • Dog parvovirus.
  • Dog infectious hepatitis.
  • Leptospirosis.

For cats:

  • rabies (rabies).
  • Panlycopenia (Feline Panleuukopenia, FPV).
  • Rinotracheite (Feline rhinotracheitis, FHV-1).
  • Caliticivirus (Feline Calicivirus).

Rabies vaccination is carried out no earlier than 21 days before the trip, and no later than 12 months before entering the UAE.

Test for the antibodies to the rabies virus

After vaccination from rabies, after 30 days, it is necessary to analyze the title of antibodies to the rabies virus. Test requirements:

  • It is carried out in accredited laboratories.
  • The minimum permissible level of antibodies is 0.5 IU/ml.

The results of the analysis are valid for 12 months. The import of the animal in the UAE is possible after 3 months and no later than 12 months from the date of delivery of the dough.

Import permit (Import)

For the import of an animal in the UAE, it is necessary to obtain permission from the Ministry of Climate Changes and the environment of the UAE (MOCCAE). Procedure for receipt:

  • Application online on the official website of Moccae.
  • Providing scan-copies of the necessary documents.
  • Payment of duties (about 200 dirhams, which is approximately 55 US dollars).

Resolution really within 30 days from the date of issue. During this time, the animal should arrive in the UAE.

Veterinary certificate of form No. 1

5 days before departure, it is necessary to receive a veterinary certificate of form No. 1 at the State Veterinary station. This document confirms the health of the animal and is valid within 5 days. At the airport, it will be exchanged for the international certificate of form 5A.

Preparation for the flight

The choice of airline

When choosing a airline, you should take into account:

  • Conditions for the transportation of animals (in the cabin or luggage compartment).
  • The cost of transportation.
  • restrictions on breeds and animal sizes.

Please note that some low -cost airlines, such as Flydubai and Airabia, do not accept animals for transportation either in the salon or in the luggage compartment.

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Requirements for a transport container

The transportation container must meet the following requirements:

  • A sufficient size that allows the animal to stand, turn and lie in a natural position.
  • Strong design with reliable fixation.
  • the presence of ventilation holes.
  • Waterproof bottom.

It is recommended to familiarize the pet with the container in advance to reduce stress during the flight.

Processing from parasites

3-14 days before departure, it is necessary to process the animal from external and internal parasites. Information about the treatment with the indication of drugs and dosages should be entered into a veterinary passport.

Customs control and arrival in the UAE

Customs control

Upon arrival in the UAE, it is necessary:

  • present all the necessary documents (veterinary passport, certificate of form 5A, permission to import).
  • Pass the microchip check.

In case of non -compliance of documents or identifying animal health problems, the following measures are possible:

  • Refusal of the entrance and deportation of the animal at the expense of the owner.
  • An animal premises for quarantine (the cost of one day of quarantine is at least $ 1,000).

Restrictions on breeds

In the UAE, the import of some breeds of dogs is prohibited, including:

  • American Pit Bulturier.
  • American Staffordshire Terrier.
  • Argentine Dog.
  • Brazilian mastiff.
  • Rottweiler.
  • Neapolitan mastiff.
  • Tos-Inu.

A full list of prohibited breeds is recommended to be clarified on the official website of Moccae before the trip.

If you have any questions, it is best to contact specialists who are subject to resolving such issues, to the airline, the UAE consulate or local veterinary services to get relevant information before the trip.

And finally:

Recommendations for owners

  • Start preparation in advancegiven the terms of vaccination and obtaining the results of analyzes.
  • Check all documents thoroughly for compliance with the requirements of the UAE. Errors in the papers can lead to the refusal of the entrance.
  • Choose the airline carefullystudying its rules for transporting animals. Clach whether it is possible to carry a pet in the cabin or only in the luggage compartment.
  • Tleas an animal in advance to the containerto reduce stress during the flight.
  • Take care of the comfort of the pet: Before departure, provide light food and water, use special absorbent litter in the container.
  • Clarify the restrictions on breeds: Some dog breeds are prohibited from importing into the UAE.
  • Be prepared for a possible quarantine: If the documents or condition of the animal cause questions, the pet may be detained for additional verification.

In general — yes: the import of pets in the UAE requires careful preparation and observance of many rules. But pRi of compliance with all requirements, the process of importing the pet will pass without problems. It is recommended to start preparation at least 4-6 months before the planned move in order to avoid delays and unpleasant situations.

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