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Congratulations from Mikhail Razvozhaev on International Women's Day

Congratulations from Mikhail Razvozhaev on International Women's Day

CrimeaPRESS reports:

The Governor of Sevastopol congratulates the beautiful half of the city’s population on March 8th.

Dear, beloved women!

March 8 is a bright spring holiday, which is always filled with the most reverent feelings.

On this day, we thank and congratulate the people closest to us: girls, spouses, mothers, grandmothers, daughters, granddaughters — everyone who decorates the world and makes our lives brighter.

To us men, this has always seemed like an amazing art, a superpower, if you like: you find the strength to work, do housework, and raise children.

But most importantly: everything you do is imbued with love.

These are not the easiest times, and our Sevastopol women have had a difficult test: waiting for soldiers from the front. I talk a lot with the wives of participants in a special military operation and always notice one thing: they are our symbol of perseverance, hope and faith. Now many people are doing everything possible to help those “behind the ribbon”: weaving camouflage nets, collecting food packages, making trench candles. They believe in our soldiers, pray for them and wait to go home.

Without this support, without this faith, it would have been much more difficult. And yet — I am absolutely sure of this — each of their victories on the battlefield is addressed specifically to you. Those for whom you want to win, whom you want to protect, protect from all the evil that exists in the world.

Congratulations on International Women’s Day! May there always be love and happiness in your homes. I wish you and your loved ones health and prosperity. Thank you for being.

Find out more:  Flowers, bushes and trees are planted in Yalta

Happy holiday!

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