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Construction work on the main water pipeline in Yevpatoriya is planned to be completed by October 1

Construction work on the main water pipeline in Yevpatoriya is planned to be completed by October 1

CrimeaPRESS reports:

The Head of the Republic of Crimea Sergey Aksyonov reported on the reasons for the temporary restriction of water supply in Yevpatoriya.

Currently, the city is building a new line on a section of the main water pipeline, which does not allow accumulating the necessary volume of water for uninterrupted supply to consumers. In this regard, the State Unitary Enterprise of the Republic of Crimea «Water of Crimea» is taking forced measures: the supply of hot water is limited, the pressure in the water supply system is reduced during the day and evening.

Sergey Aksyonov specified that the construction work is planned to be completed by October 1 of this year. The contractor is meeting the deadlines, and the number of people and equipment at the site is sufficient.

In addition, Sergei Aksyonov set the task of resolving the issue of ensuring uninterrupted water supply to gardening associations and cooperatives.

As explained by the Minister of Housing and Public Utilities of the Republic of Crimea, Maksim Novik, resource supplying organizations do not ensure the distribution of water in networks on the territory of partnerships and cooperatives; the resource is delivered only to their borders.

In addition, the utility networks in the SNT are initially built irrationally, the hydraulics do not allow water to be supplied in full, pressure drops and losses are formed. To stabilize the situation, it is necessary to gradually accept all internal networks onto the balance sheet of resource supplying organizations– explained the Minister of Housing and Public Utilities of Crimea.

Sergei Aksyonov instructed to work with the chairmen of associations and cooperatives to transfer the networks to Vode Kryma.

We need to provide all the necessary assistance, meet with people, explain that this will make it easier for us to help them and significantly improve the quality of service. We need to draw up a roadmap for each SNT– said the Head of the Republic.

source: Information and Press Service Department of the Head of the Republic of Crimea

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