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Crimea and China are establishing business ties. What did Aksyonov talk about with the Chinese comrades

Crimea and China are establishing business ties. What did Aksyonov talk about with the Chinese comrades

CrimeaPRESS reports:

Head of the Republic of Crimea Sergey Aksyonov held a meeting with the delegation of the People’s Republic of China. The delegation of the Celestial Empire was headed by Zhao Jin, General Director of the April-Media media company. According to the press service of the Head of the Republic of Crimea, during the meeting, the development of cooperation in the fields of tourism and culture, options for expanding business ties, as well as coverage of the real situation in Crimea on Chinese information resources were discussed.

Crimea and China are establishing business ties. What did Aksyonov talk about with the Chinese comrades

According to Aksyonov, this visit to Crimea clearly confirms the open, friendly relations between the peoples of Russia and China.

Crimea and China are establishing business ties. What did Aksyonov talk about with the Chinese comrades

Our President often says that China is our brotherly state. We highly appreciate your sincere desire to learn more about the life of the Crimeans, assess the potential for cooperation and tell the Chinese public about it. We will try to do our best to provide as much information as possible about Crimea, about its possibilities, and also to make your visit more comfortable. It is necessary to develop cooperation in the information sphere so that the people of China can receive up-to-date and reliable first-hand information about life in the republic— said the Head of the Republic of Crimea.

Crimea and China are establishing business ties. What did Aksyonov talk about with the Chinese comrades

Aksyonov stressed that the Crimean authorities are committed to fruitful and constructive work and the development of bilateral relations with the People’s Republic of China.

Crimea and China are establishing business ties. What did Aksyonov talk about with the Chinese comrades

In turn, Zhao Jin noted that the Crimean agenda has been on Chinese news feeds for many years, and added that he was very glad to personally visit the Republic.

Crimea and China are establishing business ties. What did Aksyonov talk about with the Chinese comrades

Through tourism and cultural exchange, we can improve relations between our peoples, help them understand each other. Due to the information and ideological war waged by the West, our citizens do not have enough truthful information. Therefore, the purpose of our visit is to learn as much as possible about how Crimea lives. In addition, we want to know about its tourism opportunities, which may be of interest to Chinese citizens.Zhao Jin assured and invited the delegation of the Republic of Crimea to China.

Crimea and China are establishing business ties. What did Aksyonov talk about with the Chinese comrades

In addition, during the meeting, it was proposed to consider an exchange program for students of music schools. The head of Crimea supported this initiative and stressed the readiness of the Republic to organize this process on its part.

Crimea and China are establishing business ties. What did Aksyonov talk about with the Chinese comrades

Photo: information department and press service of the Head of the Republic of Crimea.

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