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Crimea clarifies locations of land plot boundaries

Crimea clarifies locations of land plot boundaries

CrimeaPRESS reports:

In 2024, comprehensive cadastral works are being carried out in the Republic of Crimea on the territory of 24 cadastral quarters:

  • 90:22:010215, 90:22:010304, 90:22:010110, 90:22:010306, 90:22:010109, 90:22:010225, 90:22:010302, 90:22:010107, 90: 22:010102, 90:22:010501, 90:22:010601, 90:22:010701, 90:12:201001, 90:12:080501, 90:12:171701, 90:12:090601, 90:12: 090401, 90:12:090701, 90:12:220107, 90:12:080101, 90:12:080102, 90:12:080201, 90:12:080301, 90:12:080401.

Complex cadastral works are works that are carried out simultaneously in relation to all land plots located on the territory of one cadastral quarter or several adjacent cadastral quarters. Such activities are carried out to clarify the location of the boundaries of land plots, to establish or clarify the location of buildings, structures, and unfinished construction projects on land plots— the press service quotes Yulia Izosimina, head of the geodesy and cartography department of the Rosreestr Office for the Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol.

The customer of the complex cadastral works is the Ministry of Property and Land Relations of the Republic of Crimea.

We inform all interested parties about the completion of the preparation of the draft map-plans of the territory, which can be found at the address of the conciliation commission: Republic of Crimea, Simferopol, Sevastopolskaya Street, 17 or on the official website of the Ministry of Property and Land Relations of the Republic of Crimea

The meeting of the conciliation commission on the issue of coordinating the location of the boundaries of land plots, in relation to which complex cadastral works are being carried out on the territory of a cadastral quarter (several adjacent cadastral quarters), will be held at the address: Simferopol, Sevastopolskaya Street, 17.

You can find more detailed information about the conditions for participation in the coordination of the location of the borders on the official website:

source: press service Rosreestr Offices for the Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol

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