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Crimea commemorates victims of fascism

Crimea commemorates victims of fascism

CrimeaPRESS reports:

The second Sunday in September is International Day of Remembrance for the Victims of Fascism.

Crimea commemorates victims of fascism

Deputies of the State Council of the Republic of Crimea, headed by Vladimir Konstantinov, as well as students of Crimean schools, honored the memory of prisoners of Crimean concentration camps, victims of fascists at the “Red” Memorial.

Crimea commemorates victims of fascism

In addition, the head of the Crimean parliament answered questions from schoolchildren regarding the essence of fascism, its high support among the German population, and the revival of this criminal ideology. According to Vladimir Konstantinov, fascism is a strong, terrible phenomenon.

What led to its emergence in Germany? The earth was covered with millions of bodies of the dead who did not have time to bury; there was no information about many of the dead. The European part of Russia lay in ruins. In Crimea, 85% of the buildings were destroyed, and the liberators in the spring of 1944 were met by dozens, and sometimes only a few, miraculously surviving people. However, the most terrible feature of fascism was revealed in the concentration camps, where the killing of people was put on an assembly line. Never in the history of mankind have countries, even after winning wars, treated the conquered people so cruelly. Moreover, during the First World War, rules of engagement were officially adopted, regulating the treatment of civilians, prisoners, etc. And these rules — the rules of people killing each other — were observedsaid Konstantinov.

Crimea commemorates victims of fascism

According to him, a completely “different reality” has emerged.

When our soldiers entered Auschwitz, they did not immediately understand where they were. On the territory of the camp, barracks with personal belongings of people, with human remains, corpses and ovens were discovered. It turned out that millions of people were brutally killed in concentration camps. A crime of this magnitude does not fit into any mathematics. It became obvious that if this death factory is not stopped, humanity will disappearsaid the Chairman of the State Council of the Republic of Crimea.

Crimea commemorates victims of fascism

Speaking about the reasons for the support of Hitler by the German population, Vladimir Konstantinov emphasized that after the end of the First World War, a colossal economic crisis began in Germany, and the people conquered by France experienced humiliation.

It was a very difficult time for the people. And during this period, a new charismatic face appears — Hitler, who gives simple, primitive answers to complex processes. They say that we are a great nation, but we live poorly, for which the Jews and the bourgeoisie are to blame for betraying us. People needed this “simple truth.” The people were drawn step by step into his orbit. And when Hitler conquered France in a short time, for people he became something akin to a deity, since he removed the stigma of shame from the country. What happened next is well known to everyone. Our country has lost tens of millions of people. We have not and will never overcome the consequences of this war.noted the speaker of the Crimean parliament.

Crimea commemorates victims of fascism

Vladimir Konstantinov is convinced that as a result of the war, it was necessary to deprive Germany of statehood, showing the whole world that people who allowed such madness do not have the right to be called a people. However, a different decision was made.

The vast majority of criminals — ideologists and supporters of the Nazi regime — did not receive the punishment they deserved. Universal human values ​​have become a victim of politics. As a result, we have received an uncured disease, which, I am convinced, will manifest itself again and again where people will look for primitive answers to serious questions that require work on themselves, on their mistakes.

Our primary task is to destroy this terrible ideology, which today has arisen on the territory of the former Ukraine, at the root, sending it to the political cemetery forever. I am confident that we will cope with this task,” summed up Vladimir Konstantinov.

Crimea commemorates victims of fascism

Photo: press service of the Chairman of the State Council of the Republic of Crimea.

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