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Crimea invites tourists and vacationers for the New Year holidays

Crimea invites tourists and vacationers for the New Year holidays

CrimeaPRESS reports:

Crimea remains a stable region for the treatment and recovery of Russians. This was stated by the Minister of Resorts and Tourism of the Republic of Crimea Vadim Volchenko at a meeting in video conferencing mode with the heads of all-season accommodation facilities of different price categories.

The unique healing climatic conditions of the peninsula, modern health programs based on the experience and traditions of balneology, quality of service — all this is preserved, and in winter it becomes the main stable mechanism for increasing demand and year-round recreation and health improvement for Russians“, the minister noted.

At the meeting, proposals were voiced on the information campaign of Crimea during the New Year and Christmas holidays, on the participation of tourism business entities in the ten-day period of Crimean tourism at the exhibition-forum “Russia” on December 9-21 at VDNKh in Moscow, issues of calculating damage to beach and tourist infrastructure were also raised. infrastructure after a disaster.

Managers of accommodation facilities that operate year-round confirmed the upward trend in the number of holiday bookings for the New Year holidays compared to last year, which has a positive impact on the overall economic situation. Some properties are already booked for the New Year at 80-90%.

According to the minister, the facilities that have placed an emphasis on year-round occupancy, the development of recreation infrastructure, the preservation of teams, and competent marketing and pricing policies remain the flagships of the republic’s domestic tourism and show development vectors for other representatives of the Crimean tourism industry.

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