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Crimea is on the list of places where Russians dream of spending the New Year holidays in 2024

Crimea is on the list of places where Russians dream of spending the New Year holidays in 2024

CrimeaPRESS reports:

Russians dream of spending the New Year holidays outside the home: most often they want to visit St. Petersburg, Moscow, Sochi, Kaliningrad and Karelia. Economically active citizens from all districts of the country took part in an open survey of the service for finding high-paying jobs SuperJob.

38% of Russians would like to stay in their hometown for the New Year holidays, and men are more likely than women to dream of spending the January holidays at home: 43% versus 33%, respectively. 55% of respondents would like to travel around Russia. Russians named St. Petersburg (17%), Moscow (16%), Sochi (13%), Kaliningrad (6%) and Karelia (4%) as the most desirable places for a New Year’s holiday. 3% of respondents each would like to celebrate the New Year on Baikal and Crimea. 2% of Russians each dream of going to the Altai Territory, Kazan, Krasnodar or the cities of the Golden Ring. — noted in the press service of the service.

Compared to a similar study last year, Russians more often dream of getting out of the house during the New Year holidays and traveling to other regions of Russia. In particular, people think about traveling to Kaliningrad and Sochi during the January holidays more often than a year ago.

  • Location of the survey: Russia, all districts
  • Settlements: 385
  • Dates: November 10-16, 2023
  • Study population: economically active population of Russia over 18 years of age
  • Sample size: 1600 respondents

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