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Crimea is presented at the 31st international exhibition in Moscow “Prodexpo-2024”

Crimea is presented at the 31st international exhibition in Moscow “Prodexpo-2024”

CrimeaPRESS reports:

The Republic of Crimea is represented at the 31st international exhibition of food, drinks and raw materials for their production “Prodexpo-2024”. The exhibition is taking place (started the day before) in Moscow and will last until February 9.

Crimea is presented at the 31st international exhibition in Moscow “Prodexpo-2024”

To support and develop exports, the Southern Regional Export Support Center maximizes opportunities for small and medium-sized businesses. This year, companies that had not previously participated in the exhibition presented their products. 5 companies took part in the collective exposition of the Republic of Crimea: producers of semi-hard and hard cheeses, dairy desserts, non-alcoholic balms, as well as frozen foods and semi-finished products— said Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers — Minister of Finance of the Republic of Crimea Irina Kiviko.

Crimea is presented at the 31st international exhibition in Moscow “Prodexpo-2024”

According to the Deputy Prime Minister, in 2023, Crimean companies participating in the Prodexpo exhibition concluded three export contracts for the supply of food products to the Republic of Belarus and the Republic of Azerbaijan.

Crimea is presented at the 31st international exhibition in Moscow “Prodexpo-2024”

Thanks to state support through the Southern Regional Export Support Center, the rental of exhibition space, construction of a stand and payment of registration fees for participating companies were provided.

Crimea is presented at the 31st international exhibition in Moscow “Prodexpo-2024”

Support and participation in the exhibition takes place within the framework of the implementation of the national projects “International Cooperation and Export” and “Small and Medium Enterprises and Support for Individual Entrepreneurial Initiatives”.

Crimea is presented at the 31st international exhibition in Moscow “Prodexpo-2024”

The Prodexpo exhibition is an effective presentation platform for presenting the products of Crimean companies and further promoting them to foreign markets. At the exhibition, regional companies will have the opportunity to hold bilateral meetings with distributors, buyers and representatives of wholesale and retail foreign networks.

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Crimea is presented at the 31st international exhibition in Moscow “Prodexpo-2024”

Photos and materials: press service of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Republic of Crimea.

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