Crimea represents its capabilities as a sanatorium, a resort and a tourist center at an exhibition in Minsk
Krympress reports:
The Crimeans will not only take part in the business events of the exhibition, but will also advise guests of the stand about new tourist products, treatment in boarding houses and sanatoriums, the presence of hotels of different levels of accommodation, a variety of excursions in the region and various options for rest areas. Crimean cosmetics will be presented, tastings, as well as virtual excursions in the Crimea in VR glasses, draws of prizes and gifts.
Crimean Federal University. V.I. Vernadsky will present the developments created as part of the implementation of the Priority 2030 program and the work of the Sweagthiotekh scientific and educational center. Specialists demonstrate the development of the scientific and clinical center: digital services, the systems for making clinical decisions, the Miokit motor rehabilitation system, as well as unique sanatorium-resort treatment programs and medical rehabilitation using the technology of the brain-computer-exoskeleton of the hand, bosotechnology and much more.
On the first day of the exhibition, Sergei Gulyuk held a meeting on the joint development of medical tourism with a member of the working group for medical tourism of the Interdepartmental Coordinating Council under the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus Dinara Vorontsova. Negotiations are also planned with other officials.
The goals and objectives of the delegation of the Republic of Crimea correspond to the goals of the national project “Tourism and hospitality” — to continue business cooperation and expansion of the tourmarchs network to organize recreation of residents of the Republic of Belarus in Crimea, partnership with trade union and industry organizations and enterprises of the republic, to attract the attention of guests of the exhibition and partners to the unique capabilities of Crimean tourism.
To establish business partnerships, the Department of Sports and Tourism of the Vitebsk region organized infoors for representatives of Crimean tour operators for sanatorium-resort and hotel enterprises.
«Rest-2025» is the largest tourist exhibition of Belarus in the category «Tourism and Rest». The exposition takes about 10 thousand square meters. More than 300 exhibitors from 13 countries take part in the exhibition, including Brazil, Turkey, Russia, Cuba, Sri Lanka and others. For the first time in the history of the exhibition, all 128 cities and regions of Belarus will present their tourist capabilities, which indicates a growing interest in domestic tourism.
Source: press service of the Ministry of Resorts and Tourism of the Republic of Crimea
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