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«CRIMEA-SPAS» is training. Exercises in Evpatoria and Simferopol

«CRIMEA-SPAS» is training. Exercises in Evpatoria and Simferopol

CrimeaPRESS reports:

Employees of the Evpatoria emergency rescue team «CRIMEA-SPAS» eliminated a simulated emergency at a potentially dangerous facility in Evpatoria.

According to the training plan, a bang occurred in the boiler room due to a natural gas leak, as a result of which an employee located there was injured. The help of rescuers is needed in his search and evacuation. At the signal, employees of the Evpatoria emergency rescue team, consisting of 4 people, went to the scene of the emergency. Upon arrival, rescuers turned off the valve on the gas main and began reconnaissance of the premises. They quickly found the mock victim, put him into a compressed air breathing apparatus, and evacuated him from the danger zone on a stretcher.— reported the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Crimea.

The exercises in Simferopol turned out to be no less realistic.

As part of training in civil defense and practicing actions in case of accidents with a large number of victims, training was carried out as part of duty shifts. Rescuers learned to act in situations where the victim had: traumatic amputation, prolonged compartment syndrome, bleeding, epileptic attack, stupor, hysteria.

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