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Crimea will receive an additional 165.2 million cubic meters. m of water annually

Crimea will receive an additional 165.2 million cubic meters. m of water annually

CrimeaPRESS reports:

In the Republic of Crimea, through the creation of new hydraulic structures, over 10 years it was possible to additionally attract 165.2 million cubic meters into the water supply system. m of water annually, the State Committee for Water Management and Land Reclamation of the Region (Goskomvodkhoz) told TASS.

In order to guarantee the provision of water resources to the population and economic sectors of the Republic of Crimea, in the period from 2014 to 2024, measures were implemented that made it possible to additionally attract 165.2 million cubic meters into the peninsula’s water supply system. m of water resources annually,” says the response to a TASS request, signed by Guram Sobolev, first deputy chairman of the region’s State Committee for Water Resources.

It is noted that this happened thanks to the drilling of wells and the construction of four water intakes, which made it possible to transfer groundwater to the working part of the North Crimean Canal, deliver it to bulk reservoirs in the eastern part of Crimea and provide water to 400 thousand people. Repair and restoration work was also carried out at six waterworks, and two reservoirs were cleaned of sediment. In 2024-2028, it is planned to overhaul more than 10 objects of the North Crimean Canal system and reservoirs.

In April, the head of the Republic of Crimea, Sergei Aksenov, told TASS that groundwater reserves in the region amount to more than 20.7 thousand cubic meters. m per day, work is underway to increase production volumes.

source: TASS

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