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Crimean Children's Hospice: Max -12 years old, he lives on Ivl and needs your help

Crimean Children's Hospice: Max -12 years old, he lives on Ivl and needs your help

Krympress reports:

Max Kazachkov and his mother Ira are the stars of Crimean television channels and social networks. And this is not because they want glory, but because they talk about the problems and lives of families with seriously ill children.

Maxim Maxim, Ira, one of the first who took the child on the IVL apparatus to live at home, and not in the hospital. Her consultations were received by dozens of mothers with the same seriously ill children. Max lives on almost all his life on artificial lung ventilation. He has SMA, a very rare genetic disease when muscles atrophy. Maxim from the whole body can control only one finger, but even so he manages to drive in his electric carpet— say specialists of the Crimean children’s hospice.

Now Max really needs your support. It is necessary to collect 23,100 rubles for its special education, because he cannot eat ordinary food. For this amount, the Crimean children’s hospice will be able to buy 30 liters of food for a child for a whole month and tracheostom.

Crimean Children's Hospice: Max -12 years old, he lives on Ivl and needs your help

source: Crimean children’s hospice

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