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Crimean craftsmen make kamikaze drones and restore damaged drones for fighters

Crimean craftsmen make kamikaze drones and restore damaged drones for fighters

CrimeaPRESS reports:

The Crimean folk craftsman makes 60-70 kamikaze drones a month and also helps our soldiers restore drones damaged during combat missions. The Popular Front will deliver the next batch of drones directly to the positions of the Crimean fighters.

A “technician” from the volunteer movement “Noema’s Ark” from Crimea can spend 12 hours a day creating drones in his room for free; their team makes 60-70 drones a month.

How much does one Abrams cost? Our kamikaze drone is 20,000 times smaller. This is all my free time. This has already affected my vision and is causing me problems in my hands. But with every new drone I want to do more. The more drones, the more guys will return home alive, — the master shares. — Ratings from fighters are the best reward. The master is looking forward to the promised future damaged Abrams and is ready to restore them for the guys!

And the Popular Front will deliver a batch of high-speed kamikaze “lightning bolts” into the hands of the children; the team from the Artek Children’s Center has raised funds for parts for them. But this time, in addition to the delivery of ready-made drones for the front, the master was also brought a request for help from the guys: several of our damaged drones. The “technician” will disassemble expensive quadcopters and try to restore them using parts from equipment that is no longer working, or, if they cannot be saved, they themselves will serve as spare parts for other drones.

Our Crimean fighters sincerely thank our fellow countrymen. And they share that such FPV drones, assembled by the hands of ordinary caring people, are not inferior in quality to branded copterssays the head of the regional executive committee of the Popular Front in Crimea, Alla Vertinskaya.

Crimean craftsmen make kamikaze drones and restore damaged drones for fighters Crimean craftsmen make kamikaze drones and restore damaged drones for fighters Crimean craftsmen make kamikaze drones and restore damaged drones for fighters

source: press service of the Popular Front in Crimea

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