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Crimean farmers sowed about 80% of winter crops

Crimean farmers sowed about 80% of winter crops

CrimeaPRESS reports:

Crimean farmers have already sowed about 80% of winter crops. This was announced by the Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Crimea Andrei Savchuk. According to him, it is planned to allocate more than 530 thousand hectares of fields for the 2024 harvest.

Our farmers have already sown almost 390 thousand hectares for grain, this is 78% of the plan, winter wheat has so far occupied almost 80% or more than 260 thousand hectares, triticale has been sown on an area of ​​322 hectares or 67%, barley has been sown on 124.4 thousand hectares, which is 76 % of the plan, 2.6 thousand hectares of Crimean fields are occupied by rye, this is 89%, even more than planned was sown for green fodder — 6.9 thousand hectares or 102%, and oilseeds — 15.5 thousand hectares or 53%,” commented Andrey Savchuk.

The head of the Ministry of Agriculture of Crimea also said that in terms of the pace of winter sowing, 4 districts are currently in the lead. Some even exceed the winter sowing plan. For example, in the Razdolnensky district, more than 100% of the forecast has been sown, 90% of the area for winter crops has been sown in the Kirovsky district, in the Pervomaisky — 94% and in the Krasnoperekopsky district — 93%.

I note that the largest areas sown with winter crops for the 2024 harvest are located in the farms of the Krasnogvardeysky, Dzhankoysky, Leninsky and Saki districts. I can also provide guidance on the planned sowing of early spring crops for next year’s harvest. Preliminarily, such crops will occupy more than 240 thousand hectares, including about 75 thousand hectares for grain“, the minister added.

For the 2024 harvest, it is planned to sow 534.73 thousand hectares of winter crops in Crimea, including 498.66 thousand hectares for grain, 5.977 thousand hectares for green fodder, and 29.16 thousand hectares for industrial crops.

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