Crimean Peninsula: Weather March 15
Krympress reports:
On weekends in Crimea — warm weather without precipitation, only on the afternoon of March 16 is like a little rain.
Southwest wind 7-12 m/s, in some areas will increase to 15-20 m/s. Air temperature at night +11 … +16 °; In the afternoon +21 … +26 °, on the coast and in the mountains +15 … +20 °. At the beginning of the next working week, the contrasting atmospheric front will change the weather on the peninsula. Rains are expected, on March 18, turning into wet snow, snow, the north-east wind of 15-20 m/s will intensify, gusts up to 25 m/s. Temperture of air will drop sharply and will be at night -2 …+3 °, in the afternoon 0 …+5 ° during the day— said in the FSBU «Crimean UGMS».
Detailed weather forecast for cities and villages of Crimea — Here.
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