Crimean Peninsula: weather on February 21
Krympress reports:
In the next three days (February 21-23), an unstable nature of the weather will remain in Crimea.
Snow will pass, in the afternoon (February 21) in separate areas heavy snow. In some sections of the roads, ice will remain. North-east wind 10-15 m/s, February 22 and 23 in the eastern areas will reach storm values of 25 m/s. Air temperature at night -8 … -13 °, on the southern and east coast -3 … -7 °, in the mountains -14 … -16 °; during the day -4 …+1 °, in the mountains -6 … -11 °, — reported in the FGBU «Crimean UGMS».
Detailed weather forecast for cities and villages of Crimea — Here.
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