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Crimean police warn about a new fraudulent “scheme”: letter from the “tax office”

Crimean police warn about a new fraudulent “scheme”: letter from the “tax office”

CrimeaPRESS reports:

Crimean police pay attention: scammers on the Internet are sending information on behalf of the Federal Tax Service of Russia.

Unidentified people on behalf of the Federal Tax Service of Russia send emails about identifying suspicious transactions and taxpayer activity. After this, they offer to allegedly contact the inspector of the Service to undergo an additional check and provide information regarding such documents as: cash documents, invoices, invoices, acceptance certificates, advance reports and shipping documents— said the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Crimea.

To be even more convincing, scammers intimidate the taxpayer with the idea that his accounts will be frozen until the circumstances are clarified.


The Federal Tax Service of Russia does not send such messages and has no relation to these letters, therefore it recommends not opening suspicious letters or clicking on links. Also, the Federal Tax Service of Russia does not make telephone calls offering to pay taxes online.

Do you have any questions or doubts? To receive detailed clarifications, you must contact the inspectorate of your district (region), whose contacts can be found here.

The police and the Federal Tax Service of Russia urge taxpayers to be careful and not to enter into personal correspondence or telephone conversations with unfamiliar users, and if confronted with scammers, to contact law enforcement agencies.

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