Crimean Stacecoals entered the Supervisory Board for the Development of Russian Student Drinks
Krympress reports:
On March 14, in Moscow, the VII Congress of Russian Student Detachments (North Ossetia) was held in Moscow, at which a new leadership of the organization was elected, and a new composition of the Supervisory Board for the Development of Russian Student detachments was formed. The duties of the Supervisory Board include the development of a strategy and coordination of the activities of the Studot -Radio Movement on the country’s scale.
The event was attended by the leadership of the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs. Yegor Litvinenko addressed a welcoming speech, Deputy Head of the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs.
Today, student detachments are the main labor movement of our country. In your ranks, worthy youth, ready at any time and under any circumstances to work for the good of the Motherland, contributing to its development. The Federal Youth Affairs Agency invariably provides support for Russian student detachments. We together strive to unite active and purposeful young people who share common values and strive to achieve common goals, — commented Yegor Litvinenko, Deputy Head of the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs.
The council included Vladimir Kaidansky, chairman of the board of the Crimean regional branch of the Republic of North Ossetia. Members of the Supervisory Board were elected for three years and coordinate the work of the Studot -Radio movement throughout the country.
This year marks 10 years since the revival of the Studotredovsky traffic in the Republic of Crimea. Over these ten years, the Universal Units of Crimea have worthy of work in labor activity, working in the system of children’s recovery, service, in agriculture, construction, medicine, conductors and interacting with labor detachments of adolescents. The achievements of the Crimean Stadot -Radoters are applied by student detachments in other regions both in the organization and conduct of events and in the organization of labor projects. In this regard, it is a great honor for me that I was entrusted with joining the Supervisory Board, which suggests that the Crimean Stad Trade can contribute to the development of youth policy not only in Crimea, but throughout the country, — said Vladimir Kaidansky, chairman of the board of the Crimean regional branch of the North Ossetia.
Within the framework of the congress, plans for the development of the main areas of work of the Studotredovsky movement were heard. This year, Russian student detachments will employ more than 400 thousand schoolchildren and students throughout the country. For young people, labor projects of various scale in Russia and abroad are organized. More than 1000 employers cooperate today with student detachments.
Source: Information and photos provided by the press service of the Crimean regional branch of the Russian Student detachments MOOO
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