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Crimean students and schoolchildren will clean and improve the territories of WWII monuments

Crimean students and schoolchildren will clean and improve the territories of WWII monuments

CrimeaPRESS reports:

24 student and school labor teams will put in order the monuments of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. in 20 municipalities of the Republic of Crimea. To train students and schoolchildren, a labor volunteer school was organized, which 630 volunteers attended.

From March 15 to 22 in Simferopol on the basis of the Crimean Federal University named after V.I. Vernadsky for students and schoolchildren successfully completed a training school for labor landings as part of the patriotic action “Victory Landing”.

Crimean students and schoolchildren will clean and improve the territories of WWII monuments Crimean students and schoolchildren will clean and improve the territories of WWII monuments Crimean students and schoolchildren will clean and improve the territories of WWII monuments

The school was held in two stages: training of command staff of volunteer labor detachments and training of volunteers to participate in the action. The participants underwent master classes on team building, instructions on safety precautions, labor protection, rules of behavior in unforeseen circumstances and first aid. Methodological training was also carried out to conduct open lessons about the events of the Crimean offensive operation of 1944.

The patriotic action “Victory Landing” is aimed at carrying out volunteer activities to clean and improve monuments to the Great Patriotic War, helping the elderly, home front workers, war children and WWII veterans, as well as promoting volunteerism and labor activity among young people. This year the action is timed to coincide with the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Crimea from the Nazi invaders.

The “Victory Landing” campaign has been carried out on the initiative of Russian Student Detachments since 2019. Every year there are more and more patriotic kids who want to join the action. The guys understand how important it is, not in words, but in deeds, to preserve the history of those heroes who gave their lives and shed blood for the sake of the Great Victory. Taking into account the growth in the number of participants in the action, we are paying more and more attention to preparing children for work and their methodological training. The school of labor volunteerism is aimed not only at the educational block, but also at uniting children into single teams with which they will work in the labor landing.,” said Ekaterina Denesyuk, a specialist at the regional headquarters of student teams of the Republic of Crimea.

The patriotic action “Victory Landing” in Crimea will take place from March 23 to 31. Participants are looking forward to the opportunity to contribute to the preservation of the historical memory of the heroic stage in the history of our country.

source: information and photos provided by the press service of the Crimean regional branch of the International Public Organization “Russian Student Teams”

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