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Crimean woman killed her newborn baby. Lost all her children

Crimean woman killed her newborn baby. Lost all her children

CrimeaPRESS reports:

A Crimean woman will stand trial on charges of murdering her newborn child. According to the Investigative Committee, on May 17, a resident of the village of Vinogradnoye gave birth to a child in a cesspool of a toilet in the yard of her house. Neighbors, hearing the child’s cries, contacted the authorities, but the newborn died of hypothermia before help arrived.

All the circumstances of the tragedy have been established. The necessary forensic examinations have been carried out. Two more minor children of the accused, one of whom has a disability, have been removed from the family and placed in a rehabilitation center. The issue of depriving the mother of parental rights is being decided— the Investigative Committee reported.

The investigation of the criminal case against a 27-year-old resident of the Leninsky District of the Republic of Crimea, accused of murdering a newborn child (Article 106 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation), has been completed. The «mother» faces imprisonment for up to 5 years (the investigation could not help but take into account the «psychotraumatic situation»).

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