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Crimean Youth Theater — winner of 4 diplomas from the Fairytale Kingdom festival

Crimean Youth Theater — winner of 4 diplomas from the Fairytale Kingdom festival

CrimeaPRESS reports:

The Crimean Youth Theater brought 4 diplomas from the VIII All-Russian festival of theatrical art for children “Fairytale Kingdom”. The festival is held by the Sevastopol Theater for Young Spectators.

This year, the Crimean Youth Theater presented a play to the professional and children’s jury — the therapeutic fairy tale “The Princess, the Knight and the Dragon” directed by Anastasia Permyakova.

The Crimean Theater for Young Spectators became a laureate in four categories at once — the artistic director of the theater Andrei Permyakov received the “Royal Pen” for creating an original play, the performer of the role of the dragon Innocent Sergei Novikov was recognized as the “Royal Artist” of the festival, the artist Olga Dolgova for the best artistic design of the play was “ Royal artist.» It is very symbolic that the Permyakov theatrical dynasty, which created the children’s theater “Golden Key” (now the Crimean Youth Theater) and has been developing theatrical art in Crimea for 37 years, was recognized as the “Royal Dynasty” precisely in the year of the Family.

For high professional skills and participation in the Fairytale Kingdom festival, the Crimean State Youth Theater also received a letter of gratitude from the Governor of Sevastopol, Mikhail Razvozhaev.

Crimean Youth Theater - winner of 4 diplomas from the Fairytale Kingdom festival Crimean Youth Theater - winner of 4 diplomas from the Fairytale Kingdom festival Crimean Youth Theater - winner of 4 diplomas from the Fairytale Kingdom festival


  • *The project “All-Russian Festival of Theater Arts for Children “Fairytale Kingdom” is being implemented by the ANO “Fairytale Kingdom” together with the Sevastopol Youth Theater with grant support from the Presidential Fund for Cultural Initiatives.

source: press service of the Crimean Youth Theater

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