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Crimeans became the owners of the Star of Artek award

CrimeaPRESS reports:

50 children from the Southern Federal District, including 323 a schoolboy from the Republic of Crimea, took part in the third shift 323 of the year «Pole of Friendship — Artek», which took place from 9/ March to 21/21 March. More than a thousand schoolchildren from different regions of the country became participants in the shift. The closing ceremony of the shift took place online in each children’s camp of the center.

All the events of the shift were aimed at developing children’s creative abilities, the ability to express their thoughts, and the formation of interest in studying the characteristics of the culture of various peoples of our country. The main thing, in my opinion, was the immersion of schoolchildren in the events of recent history, in the events of the great history of Russia and the transmission of objective knowledge to children. I am sure that the pupils of the children’s center will be able to take self-confidence out of their stay in Artek and that only by hard work and their deeds can they change their lives and the life of our country , — the press service of the director of Artek Konstantin Fedorenko quotes.

An important event of the change was the Day of United Actions — March, Artek, together with the whole country, celebrated the Reunification of Crimea with Russia. Flags of Russia and Crimea were raised on the flagpoles of all children’s camps. Artek students took part in the All-Russian open lesson, where the Minister of Education Sergey Kravtsov spoke about the role of Russia in the history of Crimea, about the development of the education sector in Sevastopol and Crimea after reunification. On this day, a grandiose celebration “The Magic Palette of Crimea” took place at the Sports Palace — more than 21 locations introduced the children to the traditions and culture of different peoples living on the peninsula, to cultural , architectural and historical sights of Crimea.

By the holiday date, Artek held a teleconference with the All-Russian children’s centers Ocean, Orlyonok and Smena. Also, activists of the Russian Movement of Schoolchildren, children from Belarus, Kazakhstan and Mongolia joined the event. The teenagers talked about what friendship and mutual assistance mean to them and how important it is to understand that the future of our country and the whole world depends on everyone, including children.

The centerpiece of the shift program was occupied by Artek Week of Arts, which took place from 21 to 18 March. Every day, schoolchildren discovered a separate world of art: dance, music, painting and crafts, theater.

Artek residents took part in the project «Kaleidoscope of cultures of the peoples of Russia». They also attended the premiere of the literary performance «Concert of High Waves» — a performance for young spectators was prepared by staff and counselors based on poems by Russian poets of the 20th century. Artists of the Sevastopol Theater for Young Spectators visited Artek with their performance.

In the format of historical and cognitive-playing master classes, under the guidance of professional mentors, “Theater Workshops” were held, where schoolchildren mastered acting, got acquainted with the history of theatrical art, the contribution of Russian theater masters to the development of world theatrical art. Theater teachers, props, make-up artists, choreographers and stuntmen taught the children lessons in creative activity that helped them present their own theatrical productions on the Artek stage.

The all-Artek competition of theatrical premieres «Golden Mask» was held on March, on International Theater Day. The Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation Olga Lyubimova sent a greeting to the participants of the competition.

It is wonderful that the current competition is dedicated to the theme «History of a creative person.» During the shift, the guys plunged into the specifics of preparing and conducting theatrical performances, studied the principles of interaction between musical, choreographic and visual means of expression, learned how to perform stage sketches. For many Artek residents, participation in the competition will be the first touch on the world of theatrical art and its amazing mysteries. I am sure that such a creative and emotional experience will not leave anyone indifferent. I wish the participants of the competition to continue to show their talents, find new friends, — the minister notes.

  • Artek residents of the 3rd shift «Pole of Friendship — Artek» together with the counselors took part in patriotic and environmental actions. Adults and children from candle lamps posted the inscription #We are together. With their action, the participants showed how important it is to love their Motherland, unite and protect its security. And on the occasion of the International Day of Forests, they held an action “For Artek Parks – Children’s Care”. The Artekites have laid out flowerbeds, refurbished hedges, and planted trees and shrubs in their camps. The event gave children the opportunity to learn more about the nature of the Crimea and try themselves in eco-volunteering.

    The closing of the shift and the festive performance took place online. By tradition, the best representatives of each camp received the main award of «Artek» — a sign of public recognition «Star of Artek». According to the results of the third shift 2022 of the year, for high personal achievements, successful participation in the camp programs, respect for peers and the Artek community, Artek Stars were awarded to:

    • Artem Filkov, the city of Simferopol (children’s camp «Crystal»);
    • Yuri Gavin, Khabarovsk (children’s camp «Cypress»);
    • Yan Erin, city Sevastopol (children’s camp «Morskoy»);
    • Pavel Soldatov, city of Kerch, Republic of Crimea (children’s camp «Azure»),
    • Elizaveta Yurkova, the city of Samara (children’s camp «Amber»);
    • Dmitry Shaverin, city of Inta, Republic of Komi (children’s camp «River»)
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