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Crimeans handed over a generator and a batch of humanitarian aid to the Crimea battalion

Crimeans handed over a generator and a batch of humanitarian aid to the Crimea battalion

CrimeaPRESS reports:

Soldiers from the Crimea battalion are moving to new positions on the front line and thanks to the partners of the Popular Front project. Everything for victory!” We managed to deliver the necessary generator and a batch of humanitarian aid on time. The fighters on the front line of the Zaporozhye direction of the Northern Military District already have the necessary support.

Thanks to the residents of Crimea, citizens of Russia. Thanks to all the ordinary people who help not only our unit, but also all the guys who fight Ukrainian fascism in the Northern Military District,” the deputy commander of the volunteer assault detachment “Crimea” with the call sign “CSKA” thanked the residents of the peninsula.

Generators remain one of the most frequent requests for help from Crimean fighters in the special military operation zone. Considering combat conditions, they don’t last long, and this is light for the guys, this is charging quadcopters, thermal imagers and radio stations.

Thanks to the residents of Crimea and, of course, to our partners in the Popular Front project. Everything for victory! We recently had an amazing case when a concerned citizen simply came to the office, unloaded a generator and asked to give it to those who would need it most. We can absolutely say that each of the generators ends up with those fighters who especially need it now!,” said the head of the regional executive committee of the Popular Front in Crimea, Alla Vertinskaya.

source: press service of the Popular Front in Crimea

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