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Crimeans named the most underrated specialists

Crimeans named the most underrated specialists

CrimeaPRESS reports:

Crimeans see a clear discrepancy between the volume of work and responsibility and the size of the salary — for teachers, medical workers, construction workers and manufacturers. In an open survey of the service SuperJob Representatives of the economically active population of the city took part.

Most often, Crimeans named teachers and educators (18%), doctors and nurses (14%) as the most undervalued specialists. According to every tenth person, skilled workers are paid unjustifiably little. It should be noted that such an opinion is largely a consequence of stereotypes. Workers’ salaries are currently growing rapidly against the backdrop of a personnel shortage in construction And production. Every eleventh person said the work of engineers is undervalued— the service’s press service notes.

8% of respondents consider the salaries of janitors and cleaners to be too low. 4% — shop assistants. Another 4% talk about the extremely low salaries of all public sector employees. 2% of respondents each called the salaries of accountants and lawyers too low.

When discussing income levels, men more often called the work of workers and engineering and technical personnel undervalued, while women called it teachers and doctors.

Time: July 28 – August 1, 2024

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