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Crimeans support Crimean combat pilots with the necessary help

Crimeans support Crimean combat pilots with the necessary help

CrimeaPRESS reports:

Crimeans helped purchase the necessary thermal imaging monocular at the request of one of the Crimean air force units as part of the project “Popular Front. Everything for victory! From the first days of the special military operation, residents of the peninsula have been helping and supporting military pilots.

It is impossible to convey the impressions when you see our guys off on a combat mission or meet them after successfully completing a mission. Our pilots and all their assistants are the real heroes who forge our victory. And we try to help them with everything they need and simply provide moral support in their difficult work. Together with Crimeans from all over the peninsula, we collect the necessary help, organize real holidays, bring artists, present memorable gifts and, of course, technical means when needed. This time it is a thermal imaging monocular, which we were able to purchase thanks to the participation of Crimeans in the regional project gathering— the press service of the head of the executive committee of the Popular Front in Crimea quotes Alla Vertinskaya.

Crimeans support Crimean combat pilots with the necessary help

Representatives of the peninsula’s air force sincerely thanked the residents of the peninsula for their support.

Thanks to your help, today we have more opportunities to detect the enemy at distant approaches. But I would like to say that such popular support is actually irreplaceable. And thanks to all the residents of Crimea who are with us with such help and just kind words. Because we are truly together, — A Crimean combat pilot addressed the residents of the peninsula.

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