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Crimeans told which day of the week they consider the most productive for work

Crimeans told which day of the week they consider the most productive for work

CrimeaPRESS reports:

The best time of year to work remotely is winter; the most productive day of the week is Monday. In a service survey SuperJob Economically active citizens from Crimea took part.

17% of Crimeans called winter the most productive time of the year. For 15% of respondents, peak productivity occurs in spring, for 10% in summer. In the fall, 7% of city residents work at full capacity. Winter is the best time for remote employees to work (20%). Workers on a hybrid schedule are more likely to say their productivity peaks in the spring (16%). During the week, city residents work best on Wednesdays—21% of respondents called this day the most productive. 17% of respondents each named Monday and Tuesday as the most fruitful working days. Peak productivity falls on Thursday for 8% of respondents, and for another 6% on Friday.,” noted the service’s press service.

Those working on the employer’s premises and staff on a hybrid schedule believe that they work best on Wednesdays (23 and 27%, respectively). Remote workers named Monday as the best working day of the week (20%).

Dates: February 21-29, 2024

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