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Cultural and educational events dedicated to International Women's Day are being held in Crimea

Cultural and educational events dedicated to International Women's Day are being held in Crimea

CrimeaPRESS reports:

The festive program includes concerts, exhibitions, creative meetings, master classes, and excursions.

In Crimean cultural and arts institutions, with the support of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Crimea, a series of thematic cultural and educational events dedicated to International Women’s Day is being held.

Cultural and educational events dedicated to International Women's Day are being held in Crimea

Concerts have been prepared, exhibitions have been opened, creative meetings, master classes and excursions have been held in public libraries, museums, cultural and leisure and theatrical and entertainment institutions.

Cultural and educational events dedicated to International Women's Day are being held in Crimea

In the Crimean Republican Universal Scientific Library named after. I. Y. Franko held a presentation “The Cult of the Beautiful Lady in Painting” from the series “Life on Canvas”. Library guests got acquainted with paintings by famous artists, in the center of which is a woman with her complex spiritual world. Information additions included an exhibition of documents “Woman in Art”, an exhibition of periodicals “There is a special day in March”, an exhibition of creative works “For Mommy with Love!” Club «Colors of Life»

Cultural and educational events dedicated to International Women's Day are being held in Crimea

As part of the Inclusive Creative Laboratory, an oral journal “Bright Colors of Spring” was held, supplemented by a vocal and choreographic concert program. On the eve of the first spring holiday, a literary and musical composition “A woman’s light will lay an invisible path” was held.

Cultural and educational events dedicated to International Women's Day are being held in Crimea

The library also became a platform for the festive program of the literary and musical evening “International Women’s Day”, held by the All-Russian public organization of disabled people “All-Russian Society of the Deaf” for wards. The event was attended by the staff of the Simferopol House of Culture for the Deaf and students of the Feodosia Special Boarding School. Specialists of the Republican Library have prepared book and illustrative exhibitions, as well as virtual thematic events.

Cultural and educational events dedicated to International Women's Day are being held in Crimea

The Crimean Republican Library presents a festive program “Music of Spring” for young people. Music lovers appreciated compositions on piano and dombra from Maria Lukoyanova, Alina Kostyrina, Amina Mambetova and Elizaveta Kalinina. The creative team HASKISTUDIO, vocalist Zeyneb Velullaeva, and artist Veronica Azarchuk performed for the guests of the library. The library has a thematic book exhibition.

Cultural and educational events dedicated to International Women's Day are being held in Crimea

In the Republican Crimean Tatar Library named after Ismail Gasprinsky, a festive palette “Dedication to a Woman” was organized for readers and guests. Library specialists introduced the history of the holiday and recited poetic works of Crimean Tatar poets and writers about women, mothers and love. The book and illustrative exhibition-impression “Spring is not spring without you” became a striking addition to the meeting. As part of the event, with the assistance of the Regional Center of Folk Crafts “Ornek”, an exhibition of works by craftswoman Nelya Roshchina, made using the technique of painting on fabric, was opened.

Cultural and educational events dedicated to International Women's Day are being held in Crimea

The spring literary festival “Mom’s Smile” took place at the Crimean Republican Children’s Library named after. V.N. Orlova. Preschoolers and primary schoolchildren saw the puppet show “Surprise for Mom” and took part in the game “With Mom you can do anything in the world!” and read a touching fairy tale by Irina Zartaiskaya “My grandmother is the best!”

Cultural and educational events dedicated to International Women's Day are being held in Crimea

The readers’ mothers gave a gift to the library’s little guests — they prepared a musical and poetic program «Seasons». The children took on the role of artists with interest and got acquainted with unusual musical instruments. The heroines of the information dossier “Simferopol: the streets tell the story,” offered to teenagers, were women who made a significant contribution to the history and culture of the peninsula. In the literary art salon, readers learned about the wonderful writers Valentina Oseeva and Tatyana Shiposhina, and staged excerpts from their stories. A festive poetry marathon performed by children was a real surprise for the librarians.

Cultural and educational events dedicated to International Women's Day are being held in Crimea

A brilliant waltz by Johann Strauss from the operetta “Die Fledermaus” opened the festive concert “Spring Mood” at the State Academic Musical Theater of the Republic of Crimea. The program, consisting of two parts, was accompanied by the theater’s symphony orchestra.

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Cultural and educational events dedicated to International Women's Day are being held in Crimea

The director of the concert production, Anzhelika Dobrunova, and the conductor, Honored Artist of the Republic of Crimea, Elmira Mukhterem, tried to fill it with the most melodic and gentle melodies. The leading soloists of the theater performed the songs of Arno Babajanyan, Anatoly Gorokhov “Intoxicated by the Sun”, Isaac Dunaevsky, Mikhail Matusovsky “Good” from the film “Test of Loyalty”, Igor Kornelyuk, Regina Lisits “Wait, Rain, Rain”, Frederic Kempe, Anatoly Lopatin “Voice” and others.

Cultural and educational events dedicated to International Women's Day are being held in Crimea

The evening ended with the song “As long as we love, while we live” by Irina Dubtsova and Ilya Reznik, which was performed by all participants of the festive concert. At the end of the first act, according to tradition, the audience was presented with a scene from the future premiere performance “The Legend of Asturias” by composer Dmitry Lazarev and librettist Leonid Gusarov. The premiere of the new production is scheduled for March 27 – International Theater Day.

Cultural and educational events dedicated to International Women's Day are being held in Crimea

In the Music Salon of the Livadia Palace, a children’s master class “Holiday Card” was held, during which a museum researcher gave a tour of the exhibition “The Romanovs in Livadia.”

Cultural and educational events dedicated to International Women's Day are being held in Crimea

At the Museum of Twice Hero of the Soviet Union Amet-Khan Sultan of the Crimean Tatar Museum of Cultural and Historical Heritage, a meeting was held for schoolchildren with a screening of the video clip “The History of the Holiday of March 8”, the cartoon “Plasticine March 8”, and a video about beloved mothers. Poems about mother, love and tenderness were read.

Cultural and educational events dedicated to the International one women's day

The event ended with the screening of a documentary film from the “More Than Gold” series about the heroine of the Great Patriotic War, Maria Oktyabrskaya. A museum lesson was held at the Crimean Tatar Museum of Cultural and Historical Heritage in Simferopol, in which Simferopol schoolchildren took part.

Cultural and educational events dedicated to International Women's Day are being held in Crimea

As a gift for all representatives of the fair sex, the leading methodologist of the Crimean Film Media Center, director, cameraman, member of the Union of Cinematographers of Russia Yuri Agapov and his talented students from the children’s animation studio prepared a festive master class on plasticine animation, during which the children created a unique cartoon greeting with their own hands .

Cultural and educational events dedicated to International Women's Day are being held in Crimea

In the Alushta Literary and Memorial Museum of S.N. Sergeev-Tsensky prepared a literary and musical composition “Dearest Angel Olechka” in memory of O.A. Shmelyova. Guests of the event will hear lines by Ivan Shmelev, poems by famous Russian poets about women’s creative love and family, romances and music by famous Russian composers.

Cultural and educational events dedicated to International Women's Day are being held in Crimea

An educational hour with elements of creative work on making a themed greeting card “Happy International Women’s Day!” held in the Bakhchisarai Historical, Cultural and Archaeological Museum-Reserve. Young participants learned about the history and traditions of the holiday, mastered the technique of artistic paper cutting, the basic techniques of 3D appliqué, and independently made an original thematic card using a variety of materials for arts and crafts.

Cultural and educational events dedicated to International Women's Day are being held in Crimea

The Art Gallery of the East Crimean Historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve has prepared an exhibition project “The World Through the Eyes of a Woman” by the young Kerch artist Larisa Ostrovskaya. Over fifty oil paintings are a unique gift to all women. Also in the gallery there will be a festive concert prepared by creative groups of Kerch.

An exhibition project “The World Through the Eyes of a Woman” has been prepared in the Picture Gallery of the East Crimean Historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve.

The Sudak Fortress Museum-Reserve has prepared a thematic event “With Love in the Heart”. Participants in the meeting at the Historical Museum will get acquainted with the history of the holiday, its features and traditions, and will take part in a thematic interactive and entertainment program.

An exhibition project “The World Through the Eyes of a Woman” has been prepared in the Picture Gallery of the East Crimean Historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve.

Photos and materials: press service of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Crimea.

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